Milan Digital Week: is everyone ready to virtually get on board?

On May 26, 27, 28, the Tram of Innovation restarts.

At the "Women&Tech" helm, for a completely revamped online edition
The event is part of Milan Digital Week 2020

Women&Tech- Women and Technology Association renews, for the third consecutive year, its presence at Milan Digital Week, giving life to "The Innovation Tram", a format conceived by Gianna Martinengo, in digital version.

With the slogan "Don't miss the digital tram... for real", this year the Association invites citizens to reflect on digital issues, not on the historic Milanese tram, but online (as will also be the entire Milan Digital Week).

This edition will be dedicated to the sharing of open experiences (open innovation, open access, open source). The themes that will be addressed along the "journey" will be: Mobility, Open Data, Fintech, Green Sharing, Intelligence (Artificial), Smart Cities, Hospital 4.0, Sustainability, Ecosystems. In addition, there will be interventions related to talents for the future (skills and start-ups).

Several new features accompany the 2020 event:

  • The event will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube, with the collaboration of the social channels of the partners involved. The videos will then be available on demand for those who wish to delve deeper into a particular topic.
  • Important will be the tools that will be used to ensure two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon for three days, all always live, for a total of 12 hours of broadcast .
  • The event will be moderated by Debora Rosciani, a journalist from Radio 24 Il Sole 24 Ore. Users will be able to ask questions to the event speakers during the live broadcasts.

A success that is repeated

The last two editions had been a huge success: a total of 1,300 participants with 37 experts present, 27 tours, and 26 hours of in-depth learning.

The Tram of Innovation 2020 sees the participation of 3M, A2A, AB Medica, Milan Arbitration Chamber, Dassault Systemes, DKTS, Faber System, AEM Foundation, Banca Generali Private, Here Technologies, Banca Mediolanum, Oracle, and Telepass.

This edition, with a more business-oriented approach compared to previous ones, aims to focus on the sharing of open experiences, in particular open innovation, open access, open source. "It is not easy, in a changing world explains Gianna Martinengo, President of Women&Tech - to try to tell the evolving city. Technology now pervades every action of ours: the commitment of the Association is to increasingly steer it towards a truly conscious use, that can facilitate the lives of citizens, even the most vulnerable people" .

These are the speakers for the various sessions, divided over the three days (May 26, 27, 28).

  • Andrea Barbieri, Business Developer, Banca Generali
  • Ida Cacciapaglia, Social Media Manager, Homepal
  • Luca Cavalletto, Asset Management Manager at Unareti
  • Stefano A. Cerri - Vice President R&D Didael KTS - Distinguished Fellow; Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy - Emeritus Professor of Informatics; LIRMM; University of Montpellier, France
  • Davide Cervellin , Chief Marketing & Data Officer at Telepass
  • Palma Cusenza, Advisor, Banca Generali
  • Mariagrazia Del Vescovo, Here Technologies, Channel Sales Manager, Automotive
  • Giulia Di Capua , Advisor, Banca Generali
  • Mario Dotti , Independent and neutral Mediator
  • Lara Ferraro, HERE Technologies, Senior Local Data Intelligence Analyst
  • Nicola Giudice, Head of the Conciliation Service at the Arbitration Chamber of Milan
  • Paola Gualtieri, 3M R&D Operational Leader - Product Stewardship & Sustainability SEE Region
  • Donato Luongo , Account Manager Executive, Faber System
  • Simone Marchetti , Oracle, Director of Business Development Digital Supply Chain
  • Alberto Martinelli, President of Fondazione AEM - Gruppo A2A
  • Franca Melfi , Professor of Thoracic Surgery at the Medical School of the University of Pisa
  • Demetrio Migliorati , Innovation manager & Head of Blockchain Program, Banca Mediolanum
  • Marco Mottolese, Co-founder and CEO, Foorban
  • Guido Porro, Chief Executive Officer, Dassault Systèmes Italy
  • Sara Ricciardi , Researcher at the University of Pisa
  • Marco Turchini, CEO of A2A SmartCity

To confirm your attendance at one or more online sessions, it is necessary to register.

The recordings of the sessions will then be available, at the end of the event, on the Women&Tech portal, on Facebook page and on YouTube.

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