International Tecnovisionarie® Award: ten talented women for a more responsible society

The recognition, promoted by Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association, awards women each year who have distinguished themselves in their professional activities for their vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics.

Milan, October 1st 2020 - " Interpreting the circular economy through innovation ": this is the common thread running through the 14th edition of the International Technovisionaries Award, an annual event promoted by - Women and Technology Association . ® Donne e Tecnologie ®

The Tecnovisionarie Award, year after year, establishes itself as a benchmark event in supporting cultural change in our country. Through the award, we aim to recognize the merit of women who, with their professionalism, creativity, and energy, contribute to economic, scientific, and social progress. For this edition, the Jury has analyzed numerous applications received from a request to the network of associates and has selected the 'Tecnovisionarie 2020' in the fields of research, innovation, business, and culture ", says Gianna Martinengo, creator of the Award and President of Women & Tech.

The recognition, awarded to women who, in their work, have demonstrated vision and a strong professional ethic, focuses on circularity in 2020. A theme with multiple facets, which makes terms like reuse, recycling, and renewal the framework in which to frame the future. But when does this interpretative urgency arise? As illustrated by data collected by the Ministry of the Environment, each citizen of the European Union generates an average of over 4.5 tons of waste per year. Unmanageable quantities, directly connected to a production system that wastes materials and energy in creating products destined for landfills.

Combining innovation and circularity means, therefore, identifying solutions to reduce waste, regenerate products, rethink materials, involving the entire business model in a technological and social transformation. It means, above all, working on building a strong common vision, both within the company and among companies, stakeholders, and communities. A need for openness that initiates virtuous processes, inherent in the plans of startups and pursued with resilience by more advanced companies, in which science and conscience support each other.

Unlike just a few years ago, this operational approach is much more than a mere intention, positioning itself among the primary objectives of the European Commission. However, in practice, there is still much work to be done, many skills to be redefined, and we are all called to do our part.

The ten professionals selected by Women&Tech are entrepreneurs, scientists, academics who have decided to channel their efforts towards a more responsible society. Driven by altruism, moral sense, and spirit of sharing, they represent different sectors, showing, each in their own way, what can be done to generate change. Simple, articulated, complex actions, all aimed at transforming today's challenges into new opportunities.

Chosen by a prestigious Jury [1] composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, here are the Technovisionaries who will be awarded the 2020 Prize:

  • #EcoPackaging: Lara Botta, Innovation Manager, Botta Packaging
  • #Wastewater treatments: Monica Casadei, Partner & CEO, Iride Acque
  • #GreenEnergy: Sabrina Corbo, Partner & CEO, Green Network
  • #No-waste Leather: Eugenia Presot, Owner, Conceria Pietro Presot
  • #Green Biotech: Elena Sgaravatti, President of Plantarei, Co-founder & SH, DemBiotech
  • #Green Fashion: Federica Storace, CEO & Co-founder, Drexcode
  • Special Europe Award: Ersilia Vaudo Scarpetta, European Space Agency
  • Special Public Administration Award: Elsa Fornero, Economist
  • Special Award for Research and Science: Lucia Gardossi, University of Trieste
  • Special Mention for Sustainability and Social Impact: Cecilia Sironi, President, Cnai – National Consortium of Nurse Associations

This year the appointment for the Award Ceremony on October 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM at Palazzo Pirelli, Giorgio Gaber Auditorium, will be completely revamped: for the first time it will take place via live streaming on YouTube and Facebook Live, allowing a wide number of participants to join.

Media partner of this edition is also the magazine ELLE, directed by Maria Elena Viola, the international brand born in France in 1945, which has always followed and supported the evolution of the female world.

A mention also to the brand new logo, designed by Pat Carra, in the themes of white and red, where the term "Tecnovisionarie" is enclosed in a sort of screen with a small moon displayed. Two hands point inside the screen, confirming the importance of observing what truly deserves attention.

The collaboration and networking capabilities of the Association are demonstrated by the support that all members provide and have provided. Thanks are also extended to those who, in this edition, have put in efforts and their own organizations for the success of the event.

The International Technovisionary Award is promoted by Women&Tech - Association of Women and Technologies, founded by Gianna Martinengo to enhance female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, to promote projects and actions aimed at fighting stereotypes and gender discrimination, and to contribute to guiding young people towards future professions and sustainable entrepreneurial models.

For information:

Press Office Technovisionaries: - tel. 0230516019

Women&Tech - Women and Technologies Association: - tel. 0230516019

[1] Jury Members Diana Bracco – President and CEO of Bracco Group and President of Bracco Foundation, Deborah Chiodoni – Head of Press Office, National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", Milan; Gianna Martinengo – President of Didael KTS and Founder of Women&Technologies®, Franca Melfi – Director of the Multidisciplinary Center for Robotic Surgery, Pisa University Hospital, Patrizia Rutigliano – Executive Vice President Government Affairs, CSR and Communications at SNAM, Federica Villa – Head of the Presidency and Institutional Relations at the Milan Chamber of Commerce, Maria Elena Viola – Director of ELLE

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