International Award "The Technovisionaries®" 2014

November 19, 2014 - 7:30 pm
Province of Milan - Isimbardi Palace, Fresco Room

The Technology Visionary Award, an integral part of the international conference, is awarded each year to women who in their professional activities have demonstrated to possess vision, prioritize social impact, transparency in behavior and ethics. They are "The Technology Visionaries" in the fields of research, innovation, and business. International Award "The Technovisionaries" ® " Donne&Tecnologie ® 2008-2015"

value women who have a realistic view of the world we live in, envision a consequent future, and have carried out activities consistent with their vision. Donne & Tecnologie ®

The 2014 edition

The entries for the 7th edition 2014 of the Award were collected online on the website until October 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM. Among the received nominations, a selection of finalists was made, including the winners for each competition category. The Jury is composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, the world of culture, communication, and business.

The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, November 19th at the Fresco Room of Palazzo Isimbardi, the headquarters of the Province of Milan. The evening, to invitations , will see the participation of decision-makers from the business, university, public administration, and personalities from the scientific and media world.

The awards that will be presented during the 2014 edition of the Prize are:

Thematic Press

Women Health This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion and professionalism to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Health.
Women Sustainability This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their activities to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Sustainability.
Women Innovation Intended for women engaged in innovation in the field of food and nutrition.

Recurring Awards

Women Media Aimed at women engaged in making complex issues related to food and nutrition accessible and "within everyone's reach" to protect consumers.
Women Territory Aimed at women who have promoted business models aimed at enhancing their own territory.
Women CEO Aimed at women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.
Women Future Aimed at young researchers in the field of food and nutrition.

Special Europe Award Aimed at European personalities for their contribution to the theme "Nutrition & Health"

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