In Milan, the "FutureCamp Europe 2016: job projects for young people" brings young people into the world of new professions in the agri-food sector.

130 students from the I.C.S. "A.Faipò" in Gessate in comparison with teachers, researchers, scientists, communicators, chefs. The event organized by the Women and Technology Association.
Milan, 4.10.2016 - On Thursday, September 29th, at the Civic Aquarium of Milan, the VII annual appointment of "FutureCamp Europe: job projects for young people" took place, bringing students closer to the new professions that are emerging in Europe, with a particular focus on the agri-food sector.
The annual edition of FutureCamp Europe, organized by the Association of Women and Technologies, sponsored by the Municipality of Milan, took place within the IV edition of the European Biotech Week, an event conceived by EuropaBio, the Association of European biotechnology companies in all European countries. This particular week saw, only in our country, over 50 events dedicated to spreading knowledge of biotechnology. The European Biotech Week was coordinated, at the Italian level, by Assobiotec, the national association for the development of biotechnology which is part of Federchimica.
Agri-food sector: an opportunity for the adults of tomorrow
Biotechnologies already have a positive impact on various sectors, including agriculture. From these evolving new knowledge, numerous professional opportunities arise, which FutureCamp has told and proposed to the 130 students present, belonging to the 5th grade, 6th grade, and 7th grade classes of the I.C.S. Comprehensive Institute "A.Faipò" in Gessate (MI).
Interaction, observation, study: during the three hours, students listened to the speakers' interventions, then posed their interesting questions. The day was introduced by greetings from Nicoletta Ancona , Conservator of the Aquarium and Civic Hydrobiological Station, and from Maria Luisa Nolli , President of the Women and Technologies Association.
Bringing their expertise - in a constant dialogue with the audience, moderated by Marina Carini and Daniela Jabes, of the Women and Technologies Association - were Guido Terni, Educational Sales Manager at Lenovo, who presented new versions of innovative computers designed specifically for the educational sector to the students; Federchimica and Assobiotec, with Veronica Cremonesi, Elena Giordano, and Gabriele Fontana, who presented the minibook "Mission Earth: from field to table" and the issues related to chemistry in food, and officially announced the start of the National Federchimica Young Prize, 2016-2017 edition; the emeritus professor of Plant Genetics at the State University of Milan Giuseppe Gavazzi, who introduced the students to the "domestication" of plants, in a journey through Mendel, Darwin, and the Green Revolution. Alessandra Stella, scientific director of the Padano Technological Park, told about the fascinating world of genetics, with reference to the study of DNA, and the help that this research can also provide to agriculture. Roberto Carcangiu, chef and president of Apci, the Professional Association of Italian Chefs, helped students understand the value of knowledge - a mix of continuous study, including scientific subjects, and experience - applied to the field of catering.
The European dimension of the event was confirmed by the presence and greeting of Bruno Marasà, Director of the Information Office in Milan of the European Parliament.
A project that continues
The students arrived at the FutureCamp Europe event already informed, thanks to the work done in class by the teachers. The information acquired during the day will be used by them to prepare papers that will be delivered to the Women and Technology Association and then evaluated. The award ceremony for the best works will take place in November at the I.C.S. "A.Faipò" in Gessate. The most deserving students will be awarded computer materials provided by Lenovo.
All the adults present – comments the President of the Women and Technology Association Maria Luisa Nolli – were amazed by the interest and knowledge of these very young guests, who showed to be interested in topics such as GMOs, food safety, nutrition, biodiversity, scientific discoveries supporting the treatment of diseases and the improvement of living conditions for the population ”.
" Events like FutureCamp - comments the founder of the Association and creator of FutureCamp Europe, now in its 7th edition, Gianna Martinengo - remind us that the new generations, if properly stimulated, know how to be interested in the future, in the development of the planet, and also to get involved personally, perhaps choosing a study path related to scientific themes. Developing their critical thinking is our contribution, which we are happy to provide ".
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