FutureCamp Europe Day 2017: Video games, from passion to job opportunity

Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association
continues its commitment to promoting creativity and innovation

and supporting young people towards the emerging professions of the near future.

FutureCamp Europe Day
RAI | Room A | Via Asiago 10 - Rome
November 16, 2017, 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Milan, November 14, 2017 - On November 16 in Rome, at the historic Rai headquarters in Via Asiago, FutureCamp Europe Day will accompany young people, teachers, and parents in discovering the emerging professional sectors in Europe in the near future.

Thanks to the collaboration between Women&Tech - Association of Women and Technologies and Rai Way, the initiative will focus on the world of video games, from genesis to augmented reality, from conception to industrial development, with a focus on networks for online gaming and the evolution of language and narrative style.

The event is part of the broader project FutureCamp, conceived and implemented since 2010 by Women&Tech - Association of Women and Technologies with the aim of introducing young people to the new opportunities in the world of work through an overview of future professions in growing sectors such as Digital, Robotics, Bio and Nanotechnologies, Sciences and Technologies for Nutrition, New Materials, etc., presenting itself as a tool for analyzing innovative training proposals oriented towards real job opportunities in the near future.

" We have always tried to find solutions and tools to make tomorrow already present, with a particular focus on orientation towards new trades and professions of the future, in order to transform skills into opportunities for professional growth, especially for women and young people," stated Gianna Martinengo, founder of Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association.

With this purpose in mind, during the FutureCamp Europe Day, young students will be guided through an interactive journey that will lead them to imagine how to turn a hobby and a passion into a job opportunity.

They will also be able to listen to the testimonies of distinguished professionals in the field who, starting from their professional experience in the field, will provide fundamental indications on the professions involved in the production process of video games.

Among them are Stefania Cinque, Chief Human Resources Officer of Rai Way; Gianna Martinengo, Founder of Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association and creator of FutureCamp Europe; Roberto Genovesi, Artistic Director of Cartoons on the Bay; Mauro Fanelli, Vice President of AESVI - Italian Videogame Developers Association and co-founder and CEO of MixedBag; Marco Accordi Rickards.

Director of Vigamus - The Video Game Museum of Rome; Luca De Dominicis, President of AIV Italian Academy of Videogames; Maurizio Forestieri President of ASIFA - International Animation Film Association; Umberto Babuscio, Chief Business Development Officer of Rai Way; Simona Menghini, Marketing Manager of Lenovo.

Furthermore, Mario Bellina, author and screenwriter for children's TV, will animate the interventions of young students from lower secondary schools who will participate in the event, accompanied by teachers and parents, who will also be briefed on the work dynamics and the functioning of the technological equipment in the radio studio by the staff of the Radio Direction.

For further information:
Women&Tech-Association of Women and Technologies
segreteria@donnetecnologie.org - T. 0230516019 - www.womentech.eu

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