Focus of the WT 2009 conference

International Conference
Women&Technologies®: creativity and innovation

National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" Milan, November 9, 2009

The challenge of preparing the "2015 generation" for the future world requires the promotion of skills based on the integration of knowledge typical of formal disciplines, such as mathematics and logic, and those derived from human sciences such as psychology, social sciences, cognitive sciences, pedagogy, anthropology, linguistics, and literary studies. Technologies, precisely because of their proven transversality, can represent an ideal meeting ground and collaboration of these knowledge starting from a holistic approach in the vision and solution to problems.
It is therefore necessary to motivate the new generations towards professional choices based on this transversality and support the acquisition of knowledge and skills through adequate learning paths, both formal (school and university) and informal.
On the other hand, the business world in its transformation from the centrality of the product to that of the service, requires professionalism that takes into account the needs of the individual, the environment, social interactions, solidarity, and values. Consequently, the same form of innovation must be introduced as a "best practice" in public administration.
Women have shown not only to be attentive users of technologies, expressing remarkable wisdom and creativity in adapting them to their system of social relationships and the need for sustainability, but also to be able to make an increasingly greater contribution to the creation of technologies and the introduction of innovations. It is therefore fundamental that the number of women who consider technologies, whatever profession they have chosen, as a field and opportunity around which to develop skills and innovation, increases.
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