Final report of Women&Technologies 2012

Fifth Edition

International Conference
Women & Technologies ® : e-Nutrition
and Award "The Technovisionaries" ® 2012”

With the participation of the President of the Republic

November 6: Great success for the fifth edition of the International Conference "Women&Technologies" 2008-2015.
A different way of conceiving the female approach to technologies: a new vision of the relationship between women and technologies addressed not as a gender issue, but as a tool to identify and enhance female talent in research, technological development, and innovation, with particular regard to the themes of interest of Expo 2015.
The 2012 edition, after the previous ones dedicated to ICT and Bio and Nanotechnologies, is the opening conference of the three-year period dedicated to the theme of food related to health, sustainability, and innovation.
Born in 2007 from an idea of Gianna Martinengo, who has made the relationship between technologies and innovation one of the main themes of her professional life as a researcher and entrepreneur, the international conference Women&Technologies has received acclaim from personalities in the scientific, academic, political, institutional, and entrepreneurial world, for being able to converge major current issues within an annual event of international scientific appeal and success.
An integral part of the conference is the International "Tecnovisionarie" Award ® " awarded annually to women who have demonstrated vision in their professional activities, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. "Ethics is the engine of innovation" reminds Gianna Martinengo, general chair of Women&Technologies ® and thus explains the challenge at the base of the initiative "Valuing the excellence of female talent and increasing awareness of the potential, creativity, quantity and quality of the contribution of women to the sectors of research, innovation and the economy of our country".

Contributions, Collaborations and Partners
The strong and motivated involvement of partners consisting of a high number of entities, companies and institutions , together with the sponsorships and institutional presences highlighted the importance of the initiative and the need to continue on the path of identifying and enhancing "themes" and "people" aimed at the growth and development of the country.
The conference received the endorsement of the President of the Republic and was promoted by the Women and Technology Association, in partnership with the European Parliament Communication Office in Milan and with the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci".
It was realized with the contribution of the Milan Chamber of Commerce, which hosted the event, the Province of Milan, Intesa Sanpaolo, Edenred, Coop Lombardia, SSICA (Experimental Station for the Food Preserves Industry), SEA.
The event was organized by Didael KTS, with Radio 24, T , ATM, Urban Center Milano, and Altroconsumo as media partners .
The realization of the conference and the hospitality was also contributed by the technical partners AAT (Agroindustry Advanced Technologies S.p.a.), CAPAC (Hotel School of the Polytechnic of Commerce), Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Ferrarelle S.p.a, Fratelli Galloni (Parma Hams), Grafica Metalliana, Poderi di San Pietro, Princi, Sevengrams, CNA, Confartigianato, Gruppo Terziario Donna, Moica, Liquirizia Amarelli, Erbolario.
The 2012 edition received the institutional sponsorships from the Ministry for International Cooperation and Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lombardy Region - Directorate General of Agriculture, Province of Milan, and Municipality of Milan.
The initiative was awarded, once again this year, the medal that the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano chose to designate as his representation prize.

Personalities from the scientific, academic, political, institutional, and entrepreneurial world participated in the conference and award ceremony of the "Technovisionary" Prize 2012: women but also men who have strengthened the presence and impact of women.
The fifth edition of Women&Technologies saw the active involvement of 30 members of the Strategic Committee , 20 members of the Program Committee , 34 qualified Speakers and , and benefited from the passionate contribution of 60 women and men associated and friends of the Women and Technologies Association. Donne & Tecnologie ® : the Protagonists ® 8 members of the Jury of the "Technovisionary Award" ® " 2012"

The Conference
The day started with speeches by Neelie Kroes (Vice-president of the European Commission, Responsible for the Digital Agenda for Europe) and Paolo De Castro (President of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament), followed by greetings from Carlo Sangalli (President of the Milan Chamber of Commerce hosting and supporting the Conference) and Claudia Sorlini (DeFENS and President of the Strategic Committee of the Conference). After the opening speech by Gianna Martinengo , creator and general chair of Women&Technologies ® The first two coordinated round tables were started, respectively, by Lucilla Titta (IEO - European Institute of Oncology) and Patrizia Riso (DeFENS - Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Milan). The afternoon round table introduced by Patrizia Toia (Vice President of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament) was coordinated by Gianluca Carenzo (Padano Technological Park). To conclude the proceedings, Cristiana Muscardini (Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, European Parliament) intervened.

The 3 Round Tables of the Conference
The topics discussed in the 3 round tables, in addition to the high scientific rigor , were also valuable from a informative and guidance perspective for the numerous non-experts and young participants in the room.
Nutrition and health : the new frontiers of nutrition are increasingly identified with prevention and, as widely demonstrated, nutrition strongly influences health. Hence the need to better understand the role of certain foods or components in food and their effect on health. The female figure in the context of nutrition related to health.
Nutrition and sustainability : the development of sustainable agriculture also through the innovation of biotechnologies, therefore how science and technology can contribute to solving environmental problems related to agriculture and the exploitation of resources for food production. The link between nutrition and the identity of the territory. The new relationships between tradition and innovation in the field of food.
Nutrition and innovation : the research proposals of companies regarding issues related to nutrition with particular attention to consumer communication: labeling, nutraceuticals, and nutritional claims. Innovation in the field of food, packaging technology, and eco-sustainability.

The International Award "The Technovisionaries" 2012 Tuesday, November 6th was also the day of the award ceremony for the International Award "The Technovisionaries." ® ® 2012. An award that is given every year to women who have demonstrated, in their professional activities, a vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. They are "The Technovisionaries" in the fields of research, innovation, and business.
The award ceremony took place at the end of the Conference and was conducted by Rita Querzè , journalist from Corriere della Sera.
The Jury was composed of qualified representatives from the world of Institutions, Business, and Media: Diana Bracco (Vice President Research and Innovation Confindustria), Monica Guarischi (Delegate for Time Policies and Consumer Protection, Lombardy Region), Alessandra Perrazzelli (Head International Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs Intesa Sanpaolo and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Eurodesk), Federica Villa (Executive Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan), Deborah Chiodoni (External Relations and Press Director, Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan), Elizabeth Robinson (President of the NicOx Research Institute S.r.l.), Sara Gandolfi (Journalist, Corriere della Sera), Gianna Martinengo (Creator and Chairperson of Women & Technologies ® The winners:

  • Laura Rossi (Researcher at INRAN - National Institute for Food Research and Nutrition) for the category WomenHealth , the award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion and professionalism to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Health.
  • Imene Ouzari-Cherif (Higher School of Food Industries, University of Tunis) for the category Women Sustainability , the award is aimed at women who have dedicated their work to the complex relationship between Food and Sustainability.
  • Enrica Monticelli (Global open innovation leader R&D, Whirlpool EMEA) ex-aequo with Sonia Massari (Director, Gustolab Institute - University of Siena) for the WomenInnovation category, award dedicated to women engaged in innovation in the field of food and nutrition.
  • Elisabetta Bernardi (Director and scientific consultant, RAI) for the category WomenMedia, an award for women committed to making complex issues related to food and nutrition accessible and "within everyone's reach" to protect consumers.
  • Pina Amarelli (President, Amarelli Liquorice) for the category WomenTerritory , an award dedicated to women who have promoted business models aimed at enhancing their own territory.
  • Graziella Gavezotti (President of Edenred Italy and Chief Operating Officer Southern Europe of Edenred SA) for the category WomenCEO , award aimed at women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.
  • Claudia Picozzi and Ileana Vigentini (Researchers, DeFENS - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan) for the category WomenFuture , a prize aimed at young female researchers in the field of food and nutrition. For this category, she receives a special mention from the association Donne e Tecnologie Alessandra Marti (Research Fellow, DeFENS - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan)

The success of the fifth edition of Women&Technologies Donne & Tecnologie ® : success in numbers ® It is also decreed by the numbers:
300 participants were present at the Conference at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, 40 press operators and 400 people connected via live streaming through the portal and the platform T .

The interest generated by the initiative is also reflected in the significant number of accesses to the dedicated portal, created by Didael KTS, which has recorded to date 71,000 visits and 50,000 visitors from more than 123 countries, for a total of 270,000 page views. The discussion groups dedicated to the initiative that have been activated on the main social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, YouTube) have more than 2,000 subscribers. The "Le Tecnovisionarie" Award has received over 248 nominations for 40 candidates. The Jury has identified the winners of the 9 awards of this edition. ®

Thanks to the "viral" action on the web and on the main social networks, there has been a significant impact of articles, interviews, and services on the event. The press review to date counts 114 articles and interviews.

The permanent creative laboratory: towards the 2013 Edition
will focus again on the themes of food and health, sustainability and innovation. The interesting and innovative aspect of the Women&Technologies approach is at the same time. The sixth edition of "Women&Technologies" ® : e-Nutrition" ® The development of the theme is entrusted, fueled, and stimulated by the creative, physical, and virtual Laboratory. It is an open laboratory all year round with the portal as a reference point, the WebTv, the network of professionals, experts, or simple enthusiasts of the topics under discussion, thanks to dedicated groups on both the blog and the main social networks. The Laboratory is also fueled by initiatives organized within the events leading up to the Women&Technologies conference. ® (2008-2015).
Therefore, throughout the year it will be possible to monitor and be part of the development of the main theme to contribute to the birth of the 2013 edition of Women & Technologies. ® The portal will continue to be active and will become the focal point of an open discussion on the themes of the conference, collecting and disseminating contributions from all those interested; in this way, it will constitute an important element of continuity in view of the new "2013 edition" of Women&Technologies. ® .

Multimedia Acts
Photographic Service
A photographic service has been carried out and published on the conference portal.

Video Production
The following video clips have been produced for the conference:

  • Conference Spot
    30-second spot airing in the 2 weeks leading up to the conference on the Telesia circuit of the Milanese Metropolitans and at the Urban Centre Milano (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele)
  • 1 Video clip that retraces the history of the protagonists of Women&Technologies® from 2008 to the present.
  • 1 Video clip that retraces the history of the "Le Tecnovisionarie®" Award from 2008 to today.
  • Video clips containing all the interventions of the Women & Technologies Conference ® 2012
    Upcoming publication

Radio spot production
Radio24 (Sole 24 Ore Group) produced and aired a 30-second spot in the programming of the week prior to the conference.

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