Europe calls, Women&tech responds

"Women & Digital Jobs in Europe", meeting at the European Parliament on March 6th.

"Women protagonists" is no longer just a slogan, but a concrete path, which is making significant progress thanks to digital transformation. While unfortunately we still have to deal with gender stereotypes, women are actively engaged in building a more equitable society full of possibilities for everyone.

Gianna Martinengo, president of Didae KTS and founder of Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association, has been engaged for years, along with her associates, in raising awareness among companies and public entities towards intelligent digitization, aimed not only at business, but also at social innovation. This commitment translates into concrete projects promoted by Womentech, also at the urging of international organizations, such as the European Parliament.

The next event in the sign of future digital professions and the role of women, "Women & Digital Jobs in Europe", will take place Tuesday, March 6, from 12:00 to 14:30, right at the European Parliament (Place du Luxembourg, 1047 Brussels, Room ASP5E2). The Association has invited speakers of international level to speak and fully involved, also at the level of the European Community, in the process of enhancing the role of women and digital professions.

The coordination and graphics of the event are curated by Didael KTS.

The opening greetings will be given by Silvia Costa , Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament; Andrea Almeida-Cordeiro , Member of Cabinet of the Commissioner Mariya Gabriel - Digital Economy and Society; Lucilla Sioli , Director for Digital Industry, European Commission.

Taking the floor in the round table, introduced and moderated by Gianna Martinengo, will be representatives from companies and the academic world: Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Full Professor University Pierre and Marie Curie, Head of Multi-Agent Systems Team (SMA); Catherine Ladousse, Executive Director Communication EMEA Lenovo; Franca Melfi, professor of Thoracic Surgery, University of Pisa; Chief of Robotic Multispeciality Center for Surgery, University Hospital of Pisa; Christiane Noll, Vice President, Country Manager, Avanade Österreich GmbH; Catuscia Palamidessi, Director of Research, INRIA; Monica Rancati, Human Resources Europe, Microsoft.

The conclusions will be presented by Patrizia Toia, Vice Chair of ITRE, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament.

Gianna Martinengo participated as a speaker at "Women in ICT", a public hearing at the European Parliament on April 25, 2013, where she anticipated the concepts that are now the basis of the evolution "from STEM to STEAM". Here is her intervention from back then.

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