"Ecological transition: the protagonists of a new Water culture". Women&Tech® ETS announces the XVIII edition of the International Technovisionary® Award.

The call has been launched to nominate female profiles who have demonstrated in their professional activities to possess a vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics.

Milan, February 5, 2024 - Women&Tech® - Association of Women and Technologies - ETS, network for the enhancement of female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, launches, on the occasion of the National Week of scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical disciplines, the new edition of the International Technovisionary® Award 2024. Dedicated to the theme "Ecological transition: the protagonists of a new water culture", the award aims to highlight the crucial role of women in innovation and sustainable management of water resources.

This edition aims to be a crossroads for the sharing of ideas, solutions, and innovative practices, with the goal of inspiring effective actions to safeguard this precious asset.

The Technovisionary Award®, the annual event recognized for its social value, has been celebrating women who have made a difference in their fields of expertise since 2008, contributing to promoting gender equality in the technological world. It is part of a broad program of initiatives aimed at overcoming the gender gap in scientific subjects that the association has been promoting since its foundation. The women awarded each year - 160 since the establishment of the award - with their contribution to technological innovation, serve as role models for girls and young women.

The best Tecnovisionaries ® 2024 will be chosen by a jury composed of business decision-makers, university representatives, public administration officials, and personalities from the scientific, cultural, and media world, who will gather in Milan on May 29th for the award ceremony at Palazzo Pirelli.

There is time until March 31, 2024 to propose the nominations of those who will be the new Technovisionaries®, women who have a realistic vision of the world we live in, who are capable of envisioning a consistent future and have carried out activities consistent with their vision. Nominations can be submitted online at the following address: https://www.tecnovisionarie.eu/segnala-le-tecnovisionarie-2024/.

Water, the focus of this edition, is the basis of life on this planet. Its careful and sustainable management is essential not only for human well-being but also for maintaining the balance of ecosystems. The global challenge of water stress, exacerbated by climate change and increasing demand, requires innovative solutions for the use, conservation, and recycling of water. In this context, the award recognizes the importance of women's contributions, often underestimated, in driving innovation and promoting responsible practices in the management of this resource.

The focus is on emerging technologies in areas such as advanced purification, sustainable desalination, and intelligent water monitoring and conservation systems. The award aims to highlight how these technologies are not only tools to protect the environment, but also drivers for economic and social development, opening up new opportunities in various sectors. All this without neglecting the need to create a new water culture. The award promotes initiatives that aim to raise awareness in society about water conservation, encouraging active involvement of communities, schools, and organizations. The goal is to stimulate a change in the way water is perceived and managed, emphasizing the importance of conservation for a sustainable future.

A change that benefits from the involvement of different disciplines, such as those included in the "A" of the STEAM acronym, namely Art, understood in general as humanities disciplines (painting, photography, music, cinema, literature, ...), which can play a significant role thanks to the intrinsic power of communicating in an emotional and engaging way, overcoming language barriers and creating deep connections with the audience.

"In this XVIII edition of the International Technovisionary® Prize, we focus on the vital importance of water, highlighting the crucial role of women in innovation and sustainable water resource management," says Gianna Martinengo, President of Women&Tech® ETS. "The theme 'Ecological transition: the protagonists of a new water culture' reflects our commitment to promote innovative and responsible solutions, essential to address the global challenges related to water, exacerbated by climate change. Through this award, we aim to inspire a change in the perception and management of water, emphasizing the importance of education and active involvement of all sectors of society. Our mission is to stimulate innovations that not only protect the environment, but also serve as drivers for economic and social development, contributing to the creation of a fairer and more sustainable future."

Media Partner dell’edizione 2024 del Premio Internazionale Tecnovisionarie® è Donna Moderna.

Women&Tech – Women and Technologies ETS, was born in 1999 as a social responsibility project by Gianna Martinengo developed within Didaelkts, the company she founded. In 2009 Women&Tech® becomes an association shared by a network of companies and individuals who offer their skills to achieve its mission. The goals of the Association are: to enhance female talent in scientific research, technology, innovation; to promote projects and actions aimed at combating stereotypes and gender discrimination; to contribute to guiding young people towards future professions, including sustainable entrepreneurial models. In 2022 Women&Tech acquires the qualification of Third Sector Entity (ETS) thus formalizing the principles of value and transparency that have always characterized initiatives developed for companies, institutions, and universities, implementing projects related to sustainability, inclusion, human capital enhancement, diversity, and much more. Gianna Martinengo is an entrepreneur, humanist by education and technologist by choice. Her vision of science and technologies has always focused on the individual and their needs, making them accessible to everyone and suitable for promoting sustainable development.

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