Cooking Health with Taste at Expo

On September 11th, we dedicate a whole day to taste, health, and sustainability. The project "Cucina la Salute con Gusto", promoted by APCI, Andid, LifeGate, and a group of companies, arrives at Expo with workshops dedicated to everyone.

Milan, September 2, 2015 - Appointment with a day of workshops dedicated to tasty and healthy cuisine. On Friday, September 11, the project "Cooking Healthily with Taste" arrives at Expo 2015, with a program of workshops throughout the day.

It will be possible to learn how to cook while respecting taste, health, and sustainability. Just a stone's throw from Piazza Italia, in the cardo space of Granarolo, chefs, dieticians, and sustainability experts will prepare tasty dishes and teach the present audience.

Three moments of the day: at 12:00 a workshop reserved for children with parents or grandparents, at 4:00 pm the workshop for young adults, and at 5:00 pm the workshop for adults.

The spots are limited but those who sign up quickly will be offered free entry to Expo. It is necessary to book at the following link .

Cooking Health with taste is an ambitious project that sees for the first time together APCI - Professional Association of Italian Chefs, Andid - National Association of Dietitians and LifeGate, a leading company in sustainability, together with a pool of companies: Ballarini (project creator), Granarolo, La Molisana, Mutti, Monini, Orogel and Dupont.

For more information:

APCI Press Office

Italian Professional Chefs Association
Francesca Bodini
Mobile 3357384230

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