T-Being SHORT - Youth in the Pandemic


Vera Slepoj

psychologist and psychotherapist, writer

will talk about

"Youth in the Pandemic"

Digital Connections and Real Affections

Thursday, June 25th at 5:30 PM

Moderated by journalist Elena Giordano

Children and teenagers, during the lockdown, experienced a completely new form of isolation. No school, sports activities, usual forms of communication and socialization: only the house, the family, and in some cases distance learning. How have these months impacted their growth? Will it be possible to recreate true, real connections, even from a distance and with masks on, in the near future? And how can adults help them?

These unusual dimensions of the relationship question us and urge us to understand.

To truly help understand new needs and new solutions, new dynamics of relationships, including digital ones, all to be experienced, Women&Technologies, Association of Women and Technologies, invited for a talk, as part of the Project "T-being bonds in the digital age", Vera Slepoj, psychologist and psychotherapist, President of the Italian Federation of Psychologists and the International Health Observatory, author of numerous scientific publications, including the recently reprinted book "Understanding Feelings" (Mondadori).

Vera Slepoj will be interviewed on Thursday, June 25th at 5:30 PM by journalist Elena Giordano: the appointment of T-Essere inaugurates in this case its SHORT version, lasting about 25 minutes. A dialogue that is expected to be exciting and useful, especially for parents and educators and for all those who care about future generations.

"Vera Slepoj - explains Olga Iarussi, Past President and member of the Executive Committee of Women & Technologies - is a person of captivating sensitivity. We are very happy and honored, as an Association, to have her as our guest during this meeting. I believe that the theme of children and young people and virtual-real relationships in the pandemic and post-Covid era calls on each of us. It is a situation that has never been experienced: we are all inexperienced, all on the same level. We need intelligent guides to do what is best for our young people."

T-Being SHORT with Vera Slepoj will be visible on the website www.womentech.eu, on the Facebook page, and on the YouTube channel of the Association.

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