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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Donne nella Scienza"

Women in Science

30 September 2019
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Donne nella Scienza"

On the website ideas, inspirations, characters, possible and impossible interviews with women from the past and present who have distinguished themselves in the technological and scientific fields. And who deserve to be told to the girls of 2019.

The new portal has been online for a few days, a project that aims to tell the girls of the Third Millennium about the value and ingenuity of the many women who have contributed to innovating the scientific world since its beginnings.

From the most remote antiquity, with Hypatia of Alexandria, to the younger female scientists who are protagonists today, such as Samantha Cristoforetti and Fabiola Gianotti, passing through Elena Cattaneo, the portal is a precious mine of biographical, cultural, social, and historical information, all related to the areas of study of each professional.

The Women in Science portal was originally created in 2012 thanks to co-financing from the Ministry of Education, University and Research within the project conceived by Gianna Martinengo and Laura Moschini "Women in Science. Possible and impossible interviews with women in science from ancient times to the present day".

The graphic and content restyling takes into account the contributions that have come from research centers, teachers, students, and various interventions identified in the media over the years.

"These women - comments Gianna Martinengo, Founder of Women&Tech and President of Didael KTS, the company that has curated the web development, content, and image of the portal - have moved, and continue to move, on a stage rich in stereotypes, marked gender differences. They have employed creativity, ingenuity, imagination, dedication to emancipate themselves from roles that would have relegated them to the background compared to their male colleagues and now, together, they represent the best example for girls who intend to pursue scientific studies."

The project of the portal, which has philanthropic purposes at its core, aims to highlight the real contribution that women have brought - in terms of social and economic value - to science and technology. "For this aspect too, it is important to support their actions, their continuous effort, bringing complementary skills, and therefore enriching, to those of men. Today as then, women in science are not lagging behind, gaining rights in society and at the same time engaging in research and sciences: a dual commitment that can truly be considered a beacon, as well as a strong motivation, for today's girls." , Gianna Martinengo concludes. is always a work in progress: anyone who would like to nominate a woman in science and technology and write her story, can contact the website through the dedicated form ("Collaborate") which is located on the home page.

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