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Women & Digital Jobs in Europe - Presentazione Instant Book

Women & Digital Jobs in Europe - Instant Book Presentation

04 March 2019
Women & Digital Jobs in Europe - Presentazione Instant Book

On March 4th, there will be an event at the European Parliament discussing the state of the art of women's role in digital professions. On this occasion, the Instant Book collecting the reflections of the 2018 edition will be officially presented.

The Digital Transformation, as a topic of discussion, has infinite potential. But not a fixed point: the theme is rapidly evolving and related not only to the innovations and solutions proposed by IT companies, but also to the implications that these changes have on society.

Moving synergistically is also the role of women as bearers of specific skills in the Digital Jobs sector.

Exactly one year ago, a Talk-Event titled "Women & Digital Jobs in Europe" was held at the European Parliament, which was very successful, both for the international panel of speakers and for the discussions and reflections that arose from the event.

To confirm the importance of the theme, evaluate the state of the art, and propose new and updated reflections, on March 4th, at the European Parliament Information Office in Milan (Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 59), from 10 am to 1 pm, a new edition of the Talk-Event titled "Women & Digital Jobs in Europe... one year later" will be held.

The event, conceived and coordinated by Gianna Martinengo, CEO and Founder of Didael KTS and founder of Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association, will be introduced by Patrizia Toia, Vice President of the ITRE, Industry, Research and Energy Committee, European Parliament, who will discuss, one year later, how the digital world has evolved in relation to the skills expressed by women.

During the Talk-Event, the Instant Book born from the reflections of the protagonists of the 2018 event will be officially presented, with the presence of some of the authors, enriched by the contributions of other players from different sectors, all belonging to the field of technology, research, and academia.

The Instant Book, which can be downloaded in digital format on various sites, starting from , hosts contributions from, among others, Gianna Martinengo , Paola Bonomo Investor, Italian Angels for Growth; Michael Bültmann , Director Corporate Responsibility - HERE Technologies; Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni , Full Professor at the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Head of Multi-Agent Systems Team (SMA); Manuela Lavezzari , Marketing Director Lenovo EMEA; Franca Melfi , Prof, of Thoracic Surgery, University of Pisa; Chief of Robotic Multispeciality Center for Surgery, University Hospital of Pisa; Catuscia Palamidessi , Director of Research, INRIA Saclay; Monica Rancati Sr. Human Resources Director Western Europe – Microsoft; Paola Scarpa , Director Client Solution, Data & Insights, Emea Women Leader Google Italy S.r.l.; Alice Siracusano , CEO & Partner, LUZ.

Transformation of skills, creation of more inclusive workplaces, selection of the most effective skills, correlation with the demand for new professions; valorization of the role of women in the eyes of venture capitalists; observation of ethical issues (from privacy to fake news): "The Instant Book -" specifies Gianna Martinengo - is a small but effective 'vision' of what awaits us and what we ourselves - as women engaged in digital professions - can contribute to creating. Inclusion, innovation, inspiration: it is not a time to wait, but to act, on multiple fronts, to bring out the value of women and contribute to improving society."

Special thanks to LUZ for creating the video.


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