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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Donne, Covid-19 e lavoro"

Women, Covid-19 and work

29 April 2021
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Donne, Covid-19 e lavoro"

The Covid19 pandemic has heavily impacted women not only for the physical consequences , but also psychological .

The loss of employment combined with increasing wage inequalities, greater commitment on the front of childcare and family care, the rise in domestic violence along with a decrease in the use of services dedicated to pregnancy, have caused an increase in anxiety and depression in the female population.

The work, in particular, has been significantly penalized and technology has become part of women's lives, reducing times and spaces.

During the press conference the data of a survey conducted by Elma Research will be presented and analyzed, highlighting the difficulties of Italian women in their multitasking role .


  • Introduce and coordinate
    • Francesca Merzagora , President of the Onda Foundation
  • Presentation of survey data
    • Sara Carloni, Director Quantitative Research
  • Round Table:
    • Elena Bottinelli, CEO of IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Milan.
    • Ovidio Brignoli , Vice President SIMG, Italian Society of General Medicine
    • Gianna Martinengo , Founder and CEO of DidaelKTS and President of Women&Technologies
    • Claudio Mencacci , President of the Italian Neuropsychopharmacology Society
    • Elena Ripamonti, Founder and CEO of Elma Research.

The speakers

Gianna Martinengo
Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan
Visit the speaker's page
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