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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Donne Imprese Futuro: Il lavoro che cambia"

Women Entrepreneurs Future: The changing work

05 December 2023
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Donne Imprese Futuro: Il lavoro che cambia"

On Tuesday, December 5, at the Confcommercio headquarters in Rome (from 10:30), the Annual Forum organized by the National Tertiary Women's Group Confcommercio "Women, Businesses, Future" will be held, dedicated this year to the theme of "changing work". Speakers will include: the president of Confcommercio, Carlo Sangalli, Marina Calderone, Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Eugenia Roccella, Minister for Family, Natalism and Equal Opportunities, Anna Lapini, President of Tertiary Women Confcommercio, Donatella Prampolini, Vice President of Confcommercio, Anna Bonfrisco and Fabio Massimo Castaldo Members of the European Parliament.

Elena Viezzoli, Co-Founder of OpenStartLab Srl, Associate of Women&Tech ETS, will speak.

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The speakers

Elena Viezzoli
Founder of; VP of Confindustria Marche CN; Mentor at the Cherie Blair Foundation
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