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Donne e ragazze nella scienza: dialogo tra avvocatura femminile e imprenditoria

Women and girls in science: dialogue between female advocacy and entrepreneurship

12 February 2024
Donne e ragazze nella scienza: dialogo tra avvocatura femminile e imprenditoria

On the occasion of the international day dedicated to women and girls in science, the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Milan Bar Association is organizing the event "Women and girls in science", scheduled for February 12, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, remotely on the Zoom platform.

The event will see the participation of eminent professional figures in the technological and scientific sector.

This conference not only offers the opportunity to acquire training credits for lawyers, but also to deepen the contribution and importance of women in the world of science and technology. It is a significant opportunity to reflect on the progress of women in these fields and on strategies for further inclusive development.

Official Greetings
  • Attorney Antonino La Lumia, President of the Milan Bar Association
  • Attorney Francesca Zanasi, Vice President of the Milan Bar Association
  • Attorney Costanza Gargano, President of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Milan Bar Association
Host and moderate
  • Attorney Alessandra Rovescalli, Milan Bar Association, Member of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Milan Bar Association
  • Dr. Chiara Cormanni, President of the Women Entrepreneurship Committee of the Chamber of Commerce Milano, Monza e Brianza e Lodi, member of the Advisory Board of Steamiamoci
  • Attorney Isabella Lavezzari, Milan Bar Association, member of the Committee for Equal Opportunities of the Milan Bar Association
  • Dr. Vanina Stagno Piantanida , President of Professional Women's Network
  • Dr. Gianna Martinengo , Founder and President of Women&Tech® ETS, CEO of DKTS, and Coordinator of the Scientific Committee MUSA Scarl
  • Dr. Dario Cardile , Senior Digital Executive, Chief Growth Officer at Lio.Tec
  • Dr. Giorgio Ciron, Director of InnovUp
  • Dr. Giovanni Medioli, former Journalist for the Sole24Ore Group and technical consultant for Retiqa

Informational material
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The speakers

Gianna Martinengo
Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan
Visit the speaker's page
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