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Poster per l'evento intitolato "T-Essere SHORT “Giovani nella Pandemia”"

T-Being SHORT "Youth in the Pandemic"

25 June 2020
Poster per l'evento intitolato "T-Essere SHORT “Giovani nella Pandemia”"


Vera Slepoj

psychologist and psychotherapist, writer
will talk about

"Youth in the Pandemic"

Digital Connections and Real Affections

Thursday, June 25th at 5:30 PM

Moderated by journalist Elena Giordano

The mandatory quarantine due to the health emergency has put us all to the test. But it is children and young people who have been most deeply affected by the side effects of the Coronavirus, as socialization plays an important role in their growth and maturation.

Children and teenagers have lost every point of reference: friends, schoolmates, the possibility of going out and playing sports, while social media and devices have been their only contact with the outside world, through which they have somehow re-created bonds and social relationships. Such a sudden change in their lifestyle will necessarily impact their growth.

Within the framework of the project "T-being bonds in the digital age" we want to delve into the "digital bonds" that have become, for a while, the only ones with the outside world: what will be the consequences and how we adults can help the younger ones to return to a "social and relational normality".

How have children and teenagers metabolized this health emergency? What impact will it have on their growth? What will be the role of social media with the return to "normality"? And above all, how can adults contribute and ensure that the pandemic does not negatively affect emotional and relational growth?

We will talk about it with Doctor Vera Slepoj, psychologist, psychotherapist, writer, columnist, President of the Italian Federation of Psychologists and the International Health Observatory.

Moderated by journalist Elena Giordano.

The speakers

Elena Giordano
Writer and journalist
Visit the speaker's page
Vera Slepoj
Psychologist and psychotherapist, writer
Visit the speaker's page
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