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Poster per l'evento intitolato "La realtà fisica del mondo digitale"

The physical reality of the digital world

30 November 2021
Poster per l'evento intitolato "La realtà fisica del mondo digitale"

The physical reality of the digital world

Value and security of Big Data

Online Event - November 30, 2021 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Data for humanity is one of the most precious assets: from the times of ancient libraries to today's Data Centers, the issue of how to preserve, manage, and circulate data is essential. Today, in a context where digital technology has allowed people extended access to the available information heritage, and where companies and organizations base their success on the availability of secure, accessible, valuable (and monetizable) data, the technology needed to manage and protect data and information becomes central and strategic not only for the economy and business but also for culture, education, and relationships between individuals.

To analyze this fascinating scenario, Women&Technologies has gathered four experts from the worlds of culture, law, and technological innovation for a talk event.

Technology (with Lenovo, in particular, which has developed intelligent solutions) can address the challenges that managing and distributing Big Data entails today, including in terms of security. Culture necessarily accompanies digital transformation to assist humans in the opportunities offered by innovation. Italian and international regulations create the framework in which social organizations can benefit from this positive revolution.

Speakers include Carla Capussela , EMEA Marketing Campaigns Leader, Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group, Laura Liguori , Vice President of Women&Tech ® and Partner at Portolano Cavallo, Roberta Marchini, Technical Solution Manager, EMEA, Infrastructure Solutions Group - Lenovo, Gianna Martinengo, Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President Women&Tech. ® - Member INAB @STOA.

Lenovo supports Women & Technologies, as part of its commitment to an inclusive society and Diversity, with the participation in the association life of women managers who support the mission of the Association. This year, in particular, it is Carla Capussela, EMEA Marketing Campaigns Manager Infrastructure Solutions Group at Lenovo, representing the multinational in W&T. From the dialogue between Carla Capussela and Gianna Martinengo, the idea of this cultural talk event dedicated to introducing the topic of data management in security to a general audience and not just technical one was born.

The speakers

Carla Capussela
EMEA Marketing Campaigns Leader, Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group
Visit the speaker's page
Laura Liguori
Vice President of Women&Tech® and Partner at Portolano Cavallo
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Roberta Marchini
Technical Solution Manager, EMEA, Infrastructure Solutions Group - Lenovo
Visit the speaker's page
Gianna Martinengo
Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan
Visit the speaker's page
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