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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Tavola rotonda "Sostenibilità nelle città" - Oracle, Roma"

Round table "Sustainability in cities" - Oracle, Rome

06 February 2020
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Tavola rotonda "Sostenibilità nelle città" - Oracle, Roma"

As part of the Environmental Sustainability project in which it is engaging, Oracle Italia has organized a roundtable discussion titled "Sustainability in Cities" in collaboration with the Women&Technologies association, of which it is a member.

This will be the opportunity to analyze the solutions available today to administrators to make cities more sustainable, question what is possible to do as citizens, learn what other companies are doing, and delve deeper into the concept of Smart City.

Will participate in the panel:

  • Daniela Aleggiani, Vice President and Secretary General of the 3M Foundation and member of the Women&Tech Association.
  • Domenico Cassitta , CEO of Radoff - an Italian start-up that monitors radon emissions in the air, a heavy gas considered the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
  • Maria Costanzo , Director of Technology Solution Engineers & Innovation Team at Oracle Italy
  • Flavia Marzano, Member of the Committee for Innovation and the Italian Digital Agenda, former Councilor at the Municipality of Rome - Department of Simple Rome, founder of WISTER.
Moderating the meeting will be Simona Menghini , Communications Director of Oracle Italy. The Round Table will take place at the Oracle headquarters in Rome on February 6, 2020 . The initiative has a limited number of participants. .
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