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Poster per l'evento intitolato "RobotLab Kids"

RobotLab Kids

11 April 2018
Poster per l'evento intitolato "RobotLab Kids"

Creativity, Coding and Interaction with a robot

Project for #STEMinTheCity

Children's House, Montessori School
Piazza San Gerolamo 6, Milan

Today, the vast majority of programming activities take place through the assembly of components in highly interactive contexts. This activity is carried out at various levels by everyone (just look at our children and grandchildren with their mobile phones). For this reason, culture, art, creativity, hypothetical reasoning, innovation, and invention become the main objective. The difference between an algorithm and a robot is that the latter, in its essence, is an interactive system.

We will discover how an engine works and how to make our robot draw without programming, simply by connecting wires. In no time, we will create a customized working robot as we like with markers, an engine, a battery, and a lot of creativity!

The manual skills and simple everyday objects can be the protagonists of special creations and give life to unique items. The transversal skills will be those of developing autonomy and self-confidence.

Activities with Robot Artist are recommended for children aged 4 to 7 years old.

Each child will build and program a perfectly functioning robot to take home. This contributes to increasing the level of satisfaction for both children and parents. Robot Artist goes beyond the robotics lab, introducing figurative narration, which helps young children maintain a high level of engagement, avoiding forcing them to stay at their desks for a time well beyond their natural ability to concentrate.

Most people think that with such young children, it is not possible to build a robot. We will prove otherwise, by approaching their world and finding the right way to communicate with them.

Tools used in the context of laboratories

  • Robot Artist
  • Office supplies and everyday materials

Scheduled Dates and Times

  • April 11, 2018 within the STEMintheCity week of the Municipality of Milan
  • The workshop will take place in the morning, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, and will have a total duration of 3 hours.

Project recipients

  • 29 children
  • 3 teachers as observers

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