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Programma il tuo primo robot con BLUE-BOT

Program your first robot with BLUE-BOT

12 September 2022
Programma il tuo primo robot con BLUE-BOT

Once programming was a specialist activity, the domain of a few expert computer scientists. Today, the vast majority of programming activities take place through the assembly of components in highly interactive visual contexts and is an activity that is practiced, at various levels, by everyone. For this reason, culture, art, creativity, hypothetical reasoning, innovation, and invention become a priority objective of educational systems. The only difference between a computer program and a robot is that the latter, in its essence, is an interactive system.

Women&Tech Association of Women and Technologies, always committed to enhancing the professions of the future with specific reference to boys, young people, and women, within the framework of the first International Robotics Festival ( ) presents ROBOTLAB, coding and robot workshops, an integral part of the FutureCamp Europe project: New Jobs for the Future.

200 students participated with great success in the first editions of #Robotlab ( Cubetto and WeDo ) during the initiative of the Municipality of Milan #STEMinTheCity in April 2017.

Blue-Bot makes learning to code exciting!

It is the new and more digital version of Bee-Bot, the cute bee-shaped robot capable of memorizing some commands and moving along a path based on the recorded commands.

Blue-Bot is transparent: its internal components are indeed visible through the shell and children will have fun discovering all its mechanisms.

It is programmed through buttons on the shell, allowing even the youngest to elaborate sequences of commands, even complex ones. It can also be programmed through an app, which expands its control possibilities. The app also allows you to view on the monitor the program being executed by the Blue-Bot, step by step, making the connection between the program and the movement executed more obvious to the children. In addition to moving forward and backward by 15 cm. at a time, Blue-Bot can rotate by 90 or 45 degrees.

Finally, the app allows you to insert repetition commands in the algorithm, allowing you to work much more effectively on recursiveness.

The ROBOTLAB workshops are made possible thanks to the collaboration and support of the Italian Robotic Surgery Association, CampuStore, Lenovo Education, 3M. The labs are curated by Carlotta Bizzarri, Third Culture.

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