It is called NURSES FOR EXPO, a network of associations of nurses and organizations that represent them, which organizes cultural initiatives to promote health and showcase the potential of nurses in educating about healthy lifestyles and preventing diseases. This virtuous synergy has led to the implementation of events for months with the same easily recognizable logo (see also the website and the Facebook page and group Facebook). In particular, an important international conference is scheduled for the days of September 10, the purpose of which is to present a range of experiences that demonstrate the central role of nurses in favor of the health and well-being of individuals and populations.
It also aims to take advantage of the media attention for EXPOMilano2015 and the schedule of EXPO WOMEN GLOBAL FORUM (EWGF), to highlight the fundamental contribution of women, nurses, and the third sector, to influence policies in favor of a more equitable distribution of resources and healthy nutrition.
The objectives of the September 2015 Conference are:
Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.