What is the common perception of science? What do people think about its impact on our lives, both present and future? To provide a global answer to these questions, 3M has developed the SOSI - State Of Science Index, a survey conducted in 17 countries, with a total of approximately 1000 respondents per country. The questions - regarding the image of science, its role in society, the work of scientists, and its impact on everyday life - have highlighted a widespread curiosity towards the scientific world, but also a widespread skepticism. Jayshree Seth, 3M Corporate Scientist and Chief Science Advocate, will provide her testimony on the main results, including those related to Italy, and on the need to further explain the connections between science and everyday life, in a clear and understandable language. During the meeting, the preview of the documentary Not The Science Type will be screened, created to reflect on common stereotypes about professional women in research.