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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Imparo giocando: workshop per docenti a Coolest Projects Milano"

I learn by playing: workshop for teachers at Coolest Projects Milano

17 November 2018
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Imparo giocando: workshop per docenti a Coolest Projects Milano"

Reserved for teachers of nursery and primary school.

The workshop will take place on 11/17 from 11:00 to 13:00 in Classroom C (first floor), at Politecnico di Milano Bovisa, Via Lambruschini 4, Milan. Educational Robotics (RE) is progressively becoming part of the educational tools available to teachers in schools of all levels. These tools are proving to be extremely effective in multiple aspects and in transversal/multidisciplinary school settings. The experiences of use, which have been increasingly numerous for about ten years – also in Italy – allow the development of different methodological approaches for integrating RE with "classic" teaching. In this context, the idea of ​​using RE to carry out various types of exercises, which complement and enrich the numerous solutions proposed by IMPARO GIOCANDO, for learning basic skills in the presence of specific needs or not. Terms like "learning by doing" and "problem solving", which are sometimes overused, are clearly explanatory of the new learning opportunities that RE proposes and that have been seized and made available through IMPARO GIOCANDO. More information available here: Free participation, registration on Eventbrite is required: Eventbrite - Coolest Projects Milano - Edizione 2018
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