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Si può esser felici... lo dice la scienza

One can be happy... science says so

10 December 2020
Si può esser felici... lo dice la scienza

Conversation with Elisabetta Dallavalle and Elga Corricelli
Moderated by Pino Mercuri

Today it is more strategic than ever to lay the foundations for a punctual observation in Italy of the theme of #Wellness and #Happiness to guarantee eco-sustainable systems and build the Future.

We are aware that the world will no longer be the same as the one we left before COVID-19, so how do we imagine the world, what kind of world do we really want in the future, these are the first questions we ask ourselves and even more so asked by the youth of today and how can we already act today, for a real change in Cultural paradigm, that supports a rebirth, towards a new path, towards a new world where everyone can thrive and progress towards future generations. So, how can we act today to guide the compass of sustainable development useful for guiding, reorienting and guiding Governance?

Exactly like the book "All About Well-being - Licosia 2019 - with the T-Essere Project we want to open a "window" on the actions of Well-being and Happiness of people. For this reason, we will let ourselves be led inside a "newborn" #hub, an observatory where awareness has matured regarding the theme of People's Well-being and their Happiness.

We will discuss this with Elisabetta Dallavalle and Elga Corricelli, founders of #ELEhub, who, after refining their personal knowledge of the #Science of Happiness with the skills developed within the CHO - Chief Happiness Officer certification and through the methodology of # Science of Self - Self Leadership for Happiness will allow us to explore the essence of acting on Wellness and Happiness in convergence with our own being, our will, and personal Purpose.

Putting people before processes, helping individuals to BE before they DO, and guiding them with humility and competence, respecting their life cycle, means building and co-creating projects of Positivity for the Well-being of people, assets of all Organizations in their Profit, non-Profit, Public Administration, and educational system dimension - where the trajectory of Purpose is the driving force from which to start, it is the compass that points towards a new course.

The speakers

Elga Corricelli
Founder of ELEhub, Chief Happiness Officer®, Self-Science Trainer® and Independent Director Certified by Insead. Professional Coach certified, Innovation Manager.
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Elisabetta Dallavalle
Founder ELEhub, Chief Happiness Officer®, Olistic Self-Science operator®, Welfare Manager ® and Wellbeing, Inclusion & Sustainability Advocacy
Visit the speaker's page
Pino Mercuri
Direttore delle risorse umane - Agos
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