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Il tram dell'Innovazione 2019

Innovation Tram 2019

16 March 2019
Il tram dell'Innovazione 2019

Don't miss the tram of the future!

On March 16th, the second edition of the "Milan Digital Week" promoted by the Municipality of Milan Department of Digital Transformation and Civil Services, and organized by Cariplo Factory, IAB - Interactive Advertising Bureau and Hublab, will take place.

The theme of Milano Digital Week 2019 is Urban Intelligence, a concept that refers to the multitude of technologies and applications that transform the city, work, and human relationships impacting the public and private lives of citizens, all the services dedicated to them and also the contribution that citizens themselves, starting from their skills and experiences, bring to the life of the community. Women&Tech, in partnership with SAP and Lenovo, presents the second edition of the Innovation Tram, with the support of Here Technologies, Banca Generali, Ab Medica, Nexi and in collaboration with experts from the University Campus Biomedico, Multidisciplinary Center for Robotic Surgery University of Pisa, Bruno Kessler Foundation. A 45-minute tour that winds through the streets of downtown Milan on board a "Carrelli" from 1928. Do not miss the tram of the future to engage in dialogue with experts on the relationship between human and artificial agents in the geographic, physical, social, and biological space of our cities.

The initiative was a great success last year, with 680 people on the tram, 200 people on the waiting list, 20 speakers, and a significant media response both in traditional press, online, and on social media (1,500 users involved, sentiment expressed at a completely positive level).

9.15 Smart Cities
Carlo Nigri
Senior Industry Advisor SAP Italy
Davide Bramati
Tecnologia Presales SAP Italia
10.00 The work of the future, how to prepare and with which tools
Natasha Perfetti
Country Marketing Manager Lenovo Italy
Simona Bocchetta
Consumer Product Manager Lenovo Italy
10.45 The work of the future, how to prepare and with which tools
Natasha Perfetti
Country Marketing Manager Lenovo Italy
Simona Bocchetta
Consumer Product Manager Lenovo Italy
11.30 Evolution of urban mobility: building the cities of the future today
Lara Ferraro
Sr LDI Analyst, Here Technologies
Lucia Bencivenga
Team Leader West Europe Local Data Intelligence for Places and Rich Content, Here Technologies
Paolo Rigato
Senior Community Analyst, Here Technologies
12.15 Finance4Talents
Gianluca Eminian
Advisor, Banca Generali
Barbara Fornaro
Wealth Management, Banca Generali
Andrea Barbieri
Wealth Management, Banca Generali
2:30 PM Digital and robotic surgery
Franca Melfi
Professor of thoracic surgery at the University of Pisa, head of the Multidisciplinary Center for Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery at the University Hospital of Pisa.
15.15 Healthcare 4.0
Rosa Sicilia
PhD student in Bioengineering and Biosciences, 32nd cycle, Department of Engineering, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Andrea Pensotti
PhD student in Science and Engineering for Man and the Environment, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
4:00 PM Smart Cities
Carlo Nigri
Senior Industry Advisor SAP Italy
Davide Bramati
Tecnologia Presales SAP Italia
16.45 Evolution of urban mobility: building the cities of the future today
Alberto Mallardi
Data Acquisition Manager, Here Technologies
Joost Groenewegen
Signor Quality Systems Manager, Here Technologies
Mariagrazia del Vescovo
Canale Sales Manager, Automotive, Here Technologies
5:30 PM Artificial Intelligence: past, present, future
Stefano A. Cerri
Professor Emeritus, University of Montpellier; Distinguished Fellow, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento

@MilanoDigitalWeek | March 13 - 17, 2019
Four days of open doors dedicated to the culture of innovation.


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

09:15 - 10:00
Smart cities
Guests/Speakers: Carlo Nigri Davide Bramati

The digital revolution has arrived in town! What does it mean to be a smart city today and offer innovative services for the benefit of citizens? During the meeting, examples of cities that have already adopted digital technologies with positive impacts on society will be shared: from Boston to Buenos Aires, from Antibes to Nanjing, to understand how digital technologies can help a city to move better, use natural resources more efficiently, and protect the health and safety of citizens.

10:00 - 10:45
The work of the future, how to prepare and with which tools

With the progressive shift in the boundary between jobs carried out by humans and those performed by machines and algorithms, the labor market is changing, and consequently the way we prepare and train ourselves is also changing. Traveling with Lenovo along the tracks of innovation, we will discuss how to manage these changes virtuously and what tools - including virtual reality, augmented reality, and smart devices - we will have available to improve the quality of life for students and workers today and in the future. There will be the opportunity to see firsthand how technology allows us to enhance our education.

10:45 - 11:30
The work of the future, how to prepare and with which tools

With the progressive shift in the boundary between jobs carried out by humans and those performed by machines and algorithms, the labor market is changing, and consequently the way we prepare and train ourselves is also changing. Traveling with Lenovo along the tracks of innovation, we will discuss how to manage these changes virtuously and what tools - including virtual reality, augmented reality, and smart devices - we will have available to improve the quality of life for students and workers today and in the future. There will be the opportunity to see firsthand how technology allows us to enhance our education.

11:30 - 12:15
Evolution of urban mobility: building the cities of the future today
HERE Technologies at your disposal to share three experiences:
  • Digital technology for living, moving, interacting, deciding
  • An army of passionate cartographers, innovators, explorers...
  • How work has changed in a high digital tech society: diversity, inclusion, integration

12:15 - 13:00
Guests/Speakers: Gianluca Eminian

The digital revolution in which we are involved opens unimaginable horizons until a few years ago: a New World that has the charm and fear of that discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Today as then, the Finance of Thinking Capitals plays an important role in the search and support of the Talents that animate this revolution.

In our 45-minute journey, we will listen to the voices of the founders of promising Digital Startups in Fashion, Food, Design, and Mobility, we will share their victories and defeats and the impact of business models on our public and private lives, and we will confirm that the Italian genius is more alive than ever...

14:30 - 15:15
Digital and robotic surgery
Guests/Speakers: Franca Melfi

The digitalization in healthcare represents a true cultural transformation that has become essential for "best practice," and surgery is one of the fields that has benefited the most. In particular, robotics, in the last 20 years, has created the conditions for an improvement in minimally invasive surgical procedures.

In 2017, over 5 million patients underwent robotic surgery in various specialties thanks to the presence of 4,200 systems distributed worldwide and 42,000 surgeons trained in this field.

15:15 - 16:00
Intervention by the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Guests/Speakers: Rosa Sicilia Andrea Pensotti

Hospital 4.0: the person between technological innovation and care

High-performance technologies and computational sciences are becoming increasingly prevalent in biological research and healthcare. This model, supported by both scientific findings and industrial interests, is leading science and medicine down a transversal path: will life sciences be able to understand complex biological functions and treat humans using only technology, Big Data, and artificial intelligence?

edited by Andrea Pensotti

From Hospital 4.0 to personalized medicine: the patient at the center of the fourth healthcare revolution

Healthcare 4.0 is the new paradigm that transforms hospital and curative processes, leveraging High Throughput technologies and computational sciences. In this evolution, every aspect is centered on the patient and treatments are increasingly personalized. Radiomics is an example of the emergence of these new technologies: it tries to decipher how to optimize cancer treatments using big data and artificial intelligence.

by Rosa Sicilia

16:00 - 16:45
Smart cities
Guests/Speakers: Carlo Nigri Davide Bramati

The digital revolution has arrived in town! What does it mean to be a smart city today and offer innovative services for the benefit of citizens? During the meeting, examples of cities that have already adopted digital technologies with positive impacts on society will be shared: from Boston to Buenos Aires, from Antibes to Nanjing, to understand how digital technologies can help a city to move better, use natural resources more efficiently, and protect the health and safety of citizens.

16:45 - 17:30
Evolution of urban mobility: building the cities of the future today
HERE Technologies at your disposal to share three experiences:
  • Digital technology for living, moving, interacting, deciding
  • An army of passionate cartographers, innovators, explorers...
  • How work has changed in a high digital tech society: diversity, inclusion, integration

17:30 - 18:15
Artificial Intelligence: past, present, future
Guests/Speakers: Stefano A. Cerri

Yesterday almost everyone thought that Artificial Intelligence was an intellectual game for creative academics. Today everyone is talking about it. Strange slogans are often used both to announce wonders, especially useful for marketing, and to evoke the (unrealistic!) fear of soon being replaced by intelligent machines. And tomorrow?

In this brief oral contribution, we will not be able to talk about wonders or fears. More simply, we will try to clarify the relationship between innovation introduced by Informatics (of which Artificial Intelligence is an integral part, along with Computer Science and Cognitive Sciences) and the scientific potential of Informatics, understood as a Science of nature, on par with Physics, Chemistry, or Biology: the Science of Information in nature.

The 19th century was the one in which - with Physics and Chemistry - we began to answer the question: "what is matter?"; the 20th century was the one in which, thanks to Biology, much more was understood about "what is life?".

The 21st century will be the one in which we will try to understand "what is the mind?" that is, how the human brain works, why it is intelligent: both rational and emotional, and above all how intelligent communities of billions of human agents and artificial agents in communication with each other work, thanks to the Web today and its successors tomorrow.

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