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10 November 2020

We will emerge victorious from this pandemic.

Hopes for the resolution of the COVID pandemic come from the I love Science marathon, organized by the De Sanctis Foundation, which took place on November 10th and to which our Past President and head of the "Women in Health" working group, Maria Luisa Nolli , intervened at the invitation of Hon. Beatrice Lorenzin.

Scientists, representatives of institutions, healthcare, and medicine discussed the relationship between science and society, science and the future, science and Covid-19.

Here is his statement:

There are 11 vaccines in advanced testing and several highly scientific monoclonal antibodies from laboratories around the world that promise to cure COVID. This pandemic, with the resulting emergency, is a great opportunity to awaken scientific and ethical consciences to address human health with discoveries and therapeutic and diagnostic solutions that benefit the entire population.

It is time for research to be approached in an interdisciplinary way, going beyond what has been the traditional paths in a concept of circular medicine that starts from man and returns to man. Science, intrinsic value of this revolution of discoveries, accompanies the entire life of these drugs from their discovery to the patient. It is a long and fascinating journey, where the rigor of the scientific method becomes the essence of the new medicine.

In this revolution, I want to mention the role of women, both scientists, academics, and representatives of institutions, who with their multidimensionality of thought and action, as well as ethical behavior, take on a primary role distinguishing themselves for innovativeness and effectiveness.

Maria Luisa Nolli

Marathon Schedule :

Video of the intervention:

The speakers

Maria Luisa Nolli
Administrator and Co-Founder of NCNbio
Visit the speaker's page
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