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Poster per l'evento intitolato "FutureCamp Europe Day: le professioni del digitale"

FutureCamp Europe Day: Digital Professions

16 November 2017
Poster per l'evento intitolato "FutureCamp Europe Day: le professioni del digitale"

The video game, from a recreational activity to a job opportunity

RAI | Room A, Via Asiago 10 - Rome

From a collaboration between Women&Tech - Women and Technologies Association and Rai Way, the next edition of "FutureCamp Europe Day" will take place on November 16th.

FutureCamp is an initiative conceived and implemented by the Association since 2010 with the aim of discovering and illustrating to young people, teachers, and parents how to delve into and navigate the emerging professional sectors in Europe in the near future.

The main focus of the initiative is on the future of young people and the various job opportunities offered by the new sectors under development, in Italy and beyond: from biotechnologies applied to Agrofood, to environmental sustainability, to ICT, and much more.

The protagonist of this edition is the world of video games, from genesis to augmented reality, from conception to industrial development, with a focus on networks for online gaming and the evolution of language and narrative style.

The evolution of the language of video games is also among the themes at the center of the Festival of cross-media animation Cartoons on the Bay, organized by Rai for 23 years, with a session of work dedicated specifically to interactive multimedia works.

It will be possible to follow the event also via live streaming directly from this page.

  • 9:00 - Accreditation
  • 9:30 - Opening of the session
    • Stefania Cinque , Chief Human Resources Officer Rai Way
    • Gianna Martinengo, Founder of Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association, and creator of FutureCamp Europe
    • Roberto Genovesi, Editorial Director of Cartoons on the Bay
  • 10:15 - Interventions
    • The video game industry and scenario
      Mauro Fanelli, Vice President of AESVI (Italian Video Game Developers Association) and co-founder and CEO of MixedBag
    • History and evolution of video games
      Marco Accordi Rickards , Director of Vigamus - The Video Game Museum of Rome
    • Professions in video games
      Luca De Dominicis , President of AIV (Italian Video Games Academy)
    • The video game professionals
      Maurizio Forestieri , President ASIFA - International Animated Film Association
    • Protected networks for online gaming
      Umberto Babuscio , Chief Business Development Officer Rai Way
    • Technology and video games. New opportunities for inclusion and knowledge
      Simona Menghini , Marketing Manager at Lenovo
  • QA led by the master of ceremonies Mario Bellina, author and screenwriter for TV DEI RAGAZZI.
  • 13.30 - Final greetings and conclusion of the day: At the end of the interventions, the staff of the Radio Direction will briefly explain to the young guests the work dynamics and the functioning of the technological equipment in the radio studio.


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Introduction to FutureCamp Europe Day: digital professions

Stefania Cinque, Chief Human Resources Officer Rai Way , Gianna Martinengo, Founder of Womentech and creator of FutureCamp Europe , and Roberto Genovesi, Editorial Director of Cartoons on the Bay, introduce the proceedings of the first edition of FutureCamp Europe dedicated to digital professions.

The video game industry and scenario

Speaker Mauro Fanelli , Vice President of AESVI (Italian Video Game Developers Association) and co-founder and CEO of MixedBag.

History and evolution of video games
Guests/Speakers: Marco Accordi Rickards

Intervenes Marco Accordi Rickards, Director of Vigamus - The Video Game Museum of Rome.


Identity, history, and prospects of interactive works

The identity of the Video Game, understood as an interactive work, must be sought by going beyond the concept of "game on a screen", as the literal definition suggests. One must not confuse the container with its content.
The interactive experience represents above all the enjoyment of a work, the means of expression of its author primarily, who wants to convey to the final player.
Tracing back the history of the Video Game from its origins, its identity is analyzed: not just a means of entertainment but an expression of stories, ideas, and feelings. The Video Game continues to diversify, in order to tell all kinds of stories, from the simplest to the most dramatic.
Like other media, the Video Game therefore stands as a means of expressing thought, and therefore of a cultural and social identity.

The professions in video games

Intervenes Luca De Dominicis , President of AIV (Italian Video Games Academy).

The video game professionals

Intervenes Maurizio Forestieri , ASIFA - International Animated Film Association.

Protected networks for online gaming
Guests/Speakers: Umberto Babuscio

Intervenes Umberto Babuscio , Chief Business Development Officer at Rai Way

Technology and video games. New opportunities for inclusion and knowledge
Guests/Speakers: Simona Menghini
  • The professions of the future in the digital world; our country; the video game industry
  • Technology generates professional opportunities and facilitates access to the professions of the future.
  • Diversity. Lenovo and STEM

The professional world will undergo radical changes following the spread of new digital technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Today, there is a widespread fear of serious job loss for increasingly wider segments of the population, due to the machines' replacement. However, on the contrary, there are extraordinary opportunities that come from technology for those who want to specialize in new subjects. In fact, 65% of today's students will have a job that has not yet been invented. Moreover, soft skills, transdisciplinary competencies, and interpersonal and communication skills will be the main resources to develop in the new scenario.

As far as our country is concerned, young people, in order to decide on which skills to invest in, must look at the new needs - induced by digital and digital transformation - of companies that need to compete at an international level. And companies demonstrate the need, on one hand, for communicators, marketers, and storytellers, and on the other hand, for data and content managers. These are the so-called "digital soft skills", necessary abilities to excel online. Existing professions have already transformed thanks to the hybridization of different means and tools allowed by technology. A prime example is the journalist who becomes a social reporter and multimedia. But above all, there are professions born from scratch, all those related to web 2.0, SEO, and video production.

Within the content, we mention Freeda, the startup that has just turned one and a half years old, and enables platforms like Facebook and Instagram with native content. In the realm of big data, there will be space for all those who specialize in web and data analytics and data visualization, as well as data scientists, true trend setters in digital data.

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