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FutureCamp Europe: agricoltura e genetica

FutureCamp Europe: agriculture and genetics

29 September 2016
FutureCamp Europe: agricoltura e genetica

Agriculture and Genetics between past and future: new professions in the agri-food sector

Event part of the initiatives of the European Biotech Week (26/9 - 2/10/2016)
With the patronage of the Municipality of Milan

The agri-food sector has been using genetics for years to improve both qualitatively and quantitatively the cultivation of food products for human and/or animal use. There are many companies operating in the agri-food sector, using modern biotechnological methods for the production of plants and crops for applications in the food, chemical, and production fields, as well as in the development of tests for the detection of ingredients and contaminants in food products. Increasing agricultural production without expanding cultivated areas, preserving biodiversity, reducing water consumption and chemical input, and containing the greenhouse effect means responding to an increasingly felt need at an ecological and social level.

The introduction of new genetic engineering techniques has drastically changed the perspective of improving the productivity and quality of many plant varieties, while fully respecting sustainability and the quality of the entire food chain. To grow and be competitive, and to meet the growing food needs of a constantly expanding population, agriculture needs targeted research and innovation.

The younger generations will be directly asked to contribute to sustainable development, and new professional figures will find space in the field of technologically advanced agri-food.

The meeting will feature testimonies from university researchers and professionals in the agri-food sector, and will leave ample space for discussion with young students from elementary and middle schools as the main protagonists.

Milan, September 29, 2016 , 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Milan Civic Aquarium , Auditorium room, Viale Gadio 2 Milan*

Welcome greetings:

  • Nicoletta Ancona, Curator Aquarium and Civic Hydrobiological Station
  • Maria Luisa Nolli, President of the Women and Technologies Association

Bring the Camp to Life:

  • 130 students from the I.C.S. Comprehensive Institute "A. Faipò" in Gessate , belonging to the 5th elementary, 2nd and 3rd middle school classes, teachers and parents.
  • Presentation of the National Award Federchimica Giovani : Veronica Cremonesi
  • Presentation of the minibook by Federchimica "Mission Earth" by the author Elena Giordano, journalist

They bring their testimony

  • Introduction Marina Carini / Daniela Jabes
  • Giuseppe Gavazzi - Professor of Agricultural Genetics, University of Milan
  • Alessandra Stella - Researcher, Padano Technological Park
  • Gabriele Fontana , Assobiotec
  • Roberto Carcangiu - President of APCI, Professional Association of Italian Chefs

Closing greetings:

  • Guido Terni - Education Program Manager Lenovo
  • Bruno Marasà - Director of the European Parliament Information Office
  • Gianna Martinengo - Creator of Future Camp Europe and founder of the Women and Technology Association

The project is structured in four phases:

  1. Preparation in class of questions based on the materials that will be provided to the participating classes.
  2. Futurecamp Europe. The students involved will ask the questions prepared in class under the guidance of their teachers. From the direct meeting and comparison with these realities, the 130 boys and girls of the I.C.S. school will receive practical information and stimuli also for the definition and construction of a study path in line with their inclinations and the demands of the job market.
  3. Follow up. The participating classes will express the results of the meeting through their work. The materials will be sent to the Association in digital format. Group work will be privileged.
  4. The award ceremony. The prizes will be awarded to the classes that stand out for originality and creativity in the development of drawings, texts, educational paths, questions, or video interviews. The award ceremony will take place at the end of October, at the I.C.S. in Gessate, in the presence of all school components (parents, teachers, students) at a time compatible with work commitments (i.e. 6:30pm). On that occasion, all the works will be presented directly by the classes involved.

Lenovo (a world leader in PCs and also at the top in the smartphone and tablet markets) will provide prizes for the classes that have distinguished themselves.

All participants will receive a snack, the volumes "Io ricordo" and "Missione Terra: dal campo alla tavola" published by Federchimica, and the glossary "Biotechstart" edited by the Association of Women and Technologies.

Under the patronage of

Comune di Milano

In collaboration with

Parlamento europeo - Ufficio d'informazione a Milano Milano

Assobiotec Lenovo PTP APCI


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Roberto Carcangiu's Presentation | FutureCamp Europe Biotech 2016
Guests/Speakers: Roberto Carcangiu

Kitchen, women, and time: what is the true value of the stove?
Science and cooking in the near future, how can they not be antagonistic?
Food is art, craft, or science. Is it learned or innate as culture?
What will the cook of the future be like or what should they be like?

Gabriele Fontana's Presentation | FutureCamp Europe Biotech 2016
Guests/Speakers: Gabriele Fontana

How biotechnologies and innovations can help us overcome the challenge of healthy and abundant food for all.

Speech by Giuseppe Gavazzi | FutureCamp Europe Biotech 2016
Guests/Speakers: Giuseppe Gavazzi

Agriculture, Genetics and Increased Food Production

Was man happier as a farmer or in the previous phase as a hunter-gatherer?

Can GMOs solve the problem of world hunger in the immediate future?

What alternatives can be adopted to feed the constantly growing humanity?

By what criteria was the domestication of plants carried out?

Intervention by Alessandra Stella | FutureCamp Europe Biotech 2016
Guests/Speakers: Alessandra Stella

During the intervention, it will be analyzed how the knowledge of the structure and function of DNA has changed during the years of his scientific career and the applications that this knowledge has brought in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry.

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