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FutureCamp Europe

FutureCamp Europe

07 March 2013
FutureCamp Europe
The next March 7th, at 10:00 AM, in Milan, at the Conference Hall of the European Parliament Information Office in Milan (Corso Magenta 59), within the framework of the European Parliament initiative "Europe belongs to women", will take place Futurecamp Europe: job projects for young people: an interactive meeting, conceived and organized by the Women and Technology Association, aimed at young people, teachers, and parents interested in discovering and understanding how to enter and navigate the emerging professional sectors in Europe in the near future. In particular, the markets of ICT, Health, and Food will be analyzed, through the experiences and skills of female entrepreneurs and researchers who have turned their passion into a profession. From the direct encounter and exchange with these realities, young people will receive practical information and stimuli to define and build a professional path in line with their inclinations and the demands of the job market. Information and content about the meeting, which is free and open to the public, will be shared among participants thanks to an innovative app for smartphones and tablets called Yopin (Your Opinion), designed to create a permanent and interactive channel of interaction among participants in support of the management of "live" events. "There are two essential components of the future of Europe and our country: equality and youth - asserts Gianna Martinengo, president of the Association - We want to combine them in order to contribute to ferrying the current educational context towards a new interpretation of training, oriented not so much towards traditional skills and abilities but rather towards those of the future. Offering an overview of emerging professions to the "weaker" subjects of the job market, namely young people and women, means presenting, through moments of orientation, comparison, and dialogue like this, the professions that currently offer the greatest development opportunities and effectively understanding in which perspective one should place themselves regarding the choices concerning their educational and professional path." Introduced by Gianna Martinengo, creator of FutureCamp Europe. Bringing their experience: Daniela Bellomo, Marina Carini, Assunta Croce, Daniela Jabes, Anita Longo, Tullia Martiradonna, Maria Luisa Nolli, Marisa Porrini, Patrizia Riso, Giulia Veronesi. Representing the institutions, speakers include: Francesco De Sanctis, Alessia Mosca, Cristina Tajani, Patrizia Toia.
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