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Poster per l'evento intitolato "FabWoman per il rilancio economico"

FabWoman for economic recovery

03 December 2021
Poster per l'evento intitolato "FabWoman per il rilancio economico"

A day of free training with meetings, exchanges, inspirations to promote women's empowerment in the world of work in the STEM disciplines.

What does it mean to do business today for a woman? What are the skills that the job market requires and what impact has the pandemic had on it?

Mary Franzese, co-founder and CMO of Neuron Guard, Member of the Board of Women&Technologies®, will answer these questions in an open dialogue with journalist Antonella Scambia.

An opportunity for our Association to present Ready4Future , a social innovation project to guide the new generations towards the professions and trades of the future.

The event is open to everyone upon registration at the following link:

#womentech #ready4future #steAm

Informational material
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The speakers

Mary Franzese
Co-founder and CMO of Neuron Guard
Visit the speaker's page
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