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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Corso di EuroJournalism"

EuroJournalism Course

15 March 2018
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Corso di EuroJournalism"

In collaboration with the EUROPEAN COMMISSION
D’Ars Hall – Humanitarian Society – via Daverio 7 – Milan
Sigef Platform

Innovation in Europe and the Digital Single Market
The topics covered will be related to the "digital revolution" and the new regulations for security, privacy, proper use of online tools and social media, protection of minors and data both health and personal, technological innovations and citizens' rights (5G, roaming, European wifi network, etc).


  • Dr. Massimo Gaudina, Director Representation in Milan, European Commission "Juncker's 10 priorities"
  • Dr. Francesco Laera, Communication Manager in Milan, European Commission "The European Digital Agenda"
  • Dr. Cinzia Boschiero, expert in community issues "European funded projects"
  • Dr. Lino Muccio, expert in ICT and digital security "How to correctly use social media and protect online security"
  • Dr. Ewelina Jelenkowska, Head of Communication Unit of the General Directorate CONNECT (acronym for Communication Networks, Content and Technologies) "Connect and communication networks"
  • Prof. Alberto Leporati, Department of Computer Science, Univ. Bicocca "Chain cryptography: theory and applications of blockchains"
  • Prof. Giancarlo Mauri, Director of the Department of Computer Science, Univ. Bicocca "Research in Europe and Digitalization"
  • Dr. Maria Rita Fiasco, Women&Technologies "Innovation and continuous learning: how training changes and how digital content changes"
  • Prof. Elisa Camillucci, AICA, "The European ECDL License"
  • Dr. Luca Cesati Cassin, RiskSolver "European regulatory changes in privacy (GDPR 2016/679) in the new digital era"


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Innovation and continuous learning: how training changes and how digital content changes
Guests/Speakers: Maria Rita Fiasco

Digitalization is changing the relationship of each person with other people, with activities, and with the objects that surround our lives.

Learning is a natural and continuous process, but in order to be realized, appropriate methodologies, content, and technologies are needed.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are increasingly being discussed, attributing human processes to machines.

It is necessary to reflect more on how "human learning" and "human intelligence" can instead be adequately supported and sustained by technologies, placing people at the center and addressing the challenge of knowledge and content in a social key.

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