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Women Leader in Healthcare

Donne Leader nel settore sanitario

11 February 2020
Women Leader in Healthcare

MEDTRONIC WOMEN’S NETWORK MINERVA promotes the initiative WOMEN LEADER IN HEALTHCARE, Experiences compared of women leaders in the Healthcare sector.

The conference will be held on Tuesday, February 11th from 3:00 pm in Milan, XVALUE LAB - Via Varesina, 162.

From professional path to personal development. A moment of sharing experiences, best practices in development and career paths aimed at initiating shared initiatives to promote the opportunity for growth and development of women in today's reality and in the future.

Among others, Paola Testori Coggi, former Director-General for Health and Consumers at the European Commission and associated with Women&Tech, will participate.


  • 14:30 Participants Registration and Welcome Coffee
    • Elena Bottinelli - CEO IRCCS Galeazzi and San Raffaele in Milan Fiammetta Fabris - Health Manager, Allianz Spa
    • Guia Lanciani - Customer Service & Supply Chain Director Medtronic Italy
    • Eliana Liotta - Journalist, writer, and science communicator
    • Micaela Piccoli - Vice President of SIC - Italian Society of Surgery
    • Patrizia Presbitero - Head of Cardiology at Humanitas Research Hospital
    • Patrizia Ravaioli - Senior Advisor Key2people/ Commissioner ESACRI/ Out of Quota
    • Daniela Scaramuccia - Director, Industry Solutions and Business Development IBM
    • Gaya Spolverato and Isabella Frigerio - President and Past President WIS - Women in Surgery
    • Paola Testori Coggi - Former Director-General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission
    • Michele Perrino - President and CEO of Medtronic Italy
    • Tiziana Marotta - Clinical Division Director and Head of the Italian Medtronic Women Network Hub, Minerva


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