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Discover, Share, Empower

Scopri, Condividi, Potenzia

10 March 2017
Discover, Share, Empower

March 10, 2017 - 2:30 PM/5:30 PM

at the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan
Pirelli Room
Corso Magenta 59, Milan

In the context of the event series "Europe is for Women", promoted by the Information Office in Milan of the European Parliament, Womentech® - Women and Technology Association proposes a talk event on the theme chosen by the European Parliament's Women's Committee for 2017, "Female Economic Empowerment: Let's Act Together!".


  • Maria Ameli
    Wealth Manager at Ersel Sim
  • Paola Cavallero
    Marketing & Operations Director Microsoft Italy
  • Roberta Cocco
    Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services of the Municipality of Milan
  • Manuela Lavezzari
    Marketing Director EMEA Lenovo
  • Alessandra Perrazzelli
    Country Manager Barclays and Board Member of ATM
  • Patrizia Toia
    Vice President ITRE Committee on Industry, Research and Energy European Parliament.

Introduce the works of Bruno Marasà, Director of the Information Office in Milan of the European Parliament.

Coordinate Gianna Martinengo President of D K TS and founder of Womentech® - Women and Technology Association.

Aperitivo will follow.

We thank Dr. Marinella Loddo, Director of ICE's Milan Office, for her collaboration and hospitality.

Technical sponsor:


Smart people for smart cities by Gianna Martinengo

Economic empowerment of female startups - Maria Ameli

Discover, Share, Empower - Manuela Lavezzari

Informational material
Comunicato Stampa download-icon


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

14:30 - 14:45
Introduce Bruno Marasà
Guests/Speakers: Bruno Marasà

14:45 - 15:00
Coordinate by Gianna Martinengo
Guests/Speakers: Gianna Martinengo

15:00 - 15:20
Economic empowerment of female startups - Maria Ameli
Guests/Speakers: Maria Ameli
Economic Empowerment of Female Startups - Maria Ameli

Keywords : innovation, companies, start-ups, disruption, future, finance

15:20 - 15:40
Reinventing Humanities - Paola Cavallero
Guests/Speakers: Paola Cavallero

Not everyone necessarily has to become scientists or programmers: technology allows us to rethink professions, even those related to the humanities. Data science and Artificial Intelligence can create new opportunities in a country with a strong classical tradition.

Keywords: #digitalskills, #humanistictechnology, #bigdata, #AI

15:40 - 16:00
#STEMintheCity - Roberta Cocco
Guests/Speakers: Roberta Cocco

Overcoming gender biases towards the study of technical-scientific subjects and encouraging girls to pursue these study paths is not only an opportunity for professional growth for female students, but also an essential contribution to improving society and filling the shortage of professionals in the field.
Every year, in April, the United Nations sponsor events dedicated to encouraging the participation of young women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education paths: in this context, the City of Milan organizes, in April 2017, #STEMinthecity, three days of events aimed at encouraging and facilitating the approach to technical-scientific careers by female students in the city.
With this major project, the Department for Digital Transformation and the entire administration continue their commitment to women in Milan, with the support of technology.
Technology in general is a powerful tool for the personal and professional development of everyone, and in particular digital services are a valuable aid in balancing work and private life every day, a principle that applies to everyone and especially to women.

16:00 - 16:20
Technology and female empowerment: a winning combination? - Manuela Lavezzari
Guests/Speakers: Manuela Lavezzari

Keywords: Gender Gap, equal pay, empowerment, pinkwashing, women in Lenovo

16:20 - 16:40
How a bank finances social innovation: experiences - Alessandra Perrazzelli
Guests/Speakers: Alessandra Perrazzelli

Keywords : Finance, Social Innovation, Technological Innovation, Women, Europe.

16:40 - 17:00
Women for Europe, Europe for women - Patrizia Toia
Guests/Speakers: Patrizia Toia

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