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Cucina la salute con gusto a HOST

Cook health with taste at HOST

23 October 2015
Cucina la salute con gusto a HOST

Network del gusto

Cooks in the front row: training, show cooking, and career awards
Appointment at HOST - FieraMilano from October 23 to 27
Host Milano

The autumn of APCI starts with some important events dedicated to its members and professionals in the field.

A fall rich in events for the world of chefs, especially for the members of APCI - Associazione Professionale Cuochi Italiani, protagonists of some important moments for their career.

From October 23rd to 27th in Milan, during Host, the most important event dedicated to the restaurant and hotel industry, the association will be present with its own space where it will develop the most "hot" topics for the restaurant world today.

Five key themes that will be developed by APCI:

  • Friday, October 23 - Kitchen for Hotels and Banqueting
  • Saturday, October 24th - The kitchen for Catering
  • Sunday, October 25th - The Pastry Shop for Catering
  • Monday, October 26th - The kitchen: for which restaurant?
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Cooking and Pastry for Breakfast

The themes will be developed through moments of show-cooking, tasting, interviews, and real training sessions, thanks to the presence of the regional delegations of the association and partners, Italian Gourmet,, and Congusto Gourmet Institute. Many characters will take turns in the APCI Space: chefs, pastry chefs, entrepreneurs, and professionals in the sector.
The guiding theme is that of hospitality: which plays a big part in our economy and should have even more space. The ability to generate a positive online reputation, for example, will be crucial. It already is today. But, unlike what one might think, the future will not be (or not only) in the hands of cold, hyper-technologized technocrats. The need to rely on a mix of "innate" and cross-cutting skills will also grow. This will be discussed by Gianna Martinengo, President of the Association Women and Technologies who, in partnership with APCI - Italian Professional Chefs Association, will propose a series of meetings on these new skills at Host2015. "Cross-cutting skills involve flexible and positive behavior - explains Martinengo -. They are also called life skills because they involve the ability to manage life in general: making decisions, solving problems, involve creative thinking, critical thinking, effective communication, interpersonal relationships, mediation".
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