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Cucina la salute con gusto ad Expo

Cooking health with taste at EXPO

11 September 2015
Cucina la salute con gusto ad Expo

Cooks and dietitians and sustainability experts come together to cook traditional Italian gastronomic dishes.

Discover ingredients, proper tools, and innovative cooking techniques for cooking in a healthy, correct, and tasty way! At the core of the project is a book that has made history in our cuisine "Le ricette regionali italiane" by Anna Gosetti della Salda.

Cooking health with taste is a project that sees actors from different backgrounds and stories collaborating together for the first time, with the aim of creating an important path around traditional cuisine that can now become a cultural heritage, enriched by new interpretations that take into account a careful approach to health and environmental and ethical sustainability.

The richness of the project is the result of the collaboration between the Professional Association of Italian Chefs (APCI), the National Association of Dietitians (ANDID) and LifeGate. The creator is Ballarini, a historic Mantuan company founded in 1889 that has always interpreted the tradition of gastronomic culture as an evolving path. The project also involves the commitment of some important food companies, chosen precisely because they share the same ideals of ethics and innovative approach to tradition, promoted by the associations. Partners in this adventure are La Molisana, Granarolo, Mutti, Monini, Orogel.

The common goal is to spread correct, shared, and applicable messages on the tables of Italians and, more generally, in the world of catering, promoting proper eating habits, also in a health and eco-sustainable key.

The protagonists

APCI, founded in 1998, is the National category entity that brings together thousands of professional chefs and restaurateurs, all active, spokespersons and interpreters of the culinary culture of our territory. The Association mainly carries out activities to promote the Italian food and wine heritage and above all the Chefs, authoritative custodians of the food wealth of our country. Thanks to their expertise, APCI organizes the most important culinary art training events for professionals and the general public. APCI boasts the Patronage and collaboration of the main institutions in the sector: Bodies, Ministries, Associations.

ANDID, founded in 1985, is the reference association for Italian Dietitians, representing them at an institutional level, protecting their interests, and overseeing the training and ongoing education of its members to ensure professional quality and citizen health. It is the only organization authorized to represent the profession of dietitian at a national and international level, within the European Federation of Dietitians Associations (EFAD) and the International Confederation of Dietitians Associations (ICD). Its professionals adhere to the ANDID Code of Ethics and the Ethical Code adopted internationally by representative bodies of the Dietitian profession. It maintains collaborative relationships with entities and scientific associations working in the field of nutrition, developing projects and strategies for promoting the principles of a healthy diet.

LifeGate, founded in 2000 by Marco Roveda, a pioneer in organic farming with Fattoria Scaldasole, supports companies in their sustainable development path through consulting activities, communication projects, and socio-environmental initiatives. It proposes a business model "People, Planet and Profit" aimed at improving its social and environmental performance. In addition to its business activities, the Group also supports a communication network (, "LifeGate and Music", social media, newsletter, mobile app, etc.), which involves and informs a community of over 4 million users every day. LifeGate promotes a sustainable lifestyle by informing people about sustainable aspects and solutions in everyday life: from health and well-being to mobility, from food to renewable energy, from tourism and leisure to technology.

The project promoter

Ballarini, a Mantuan company founded in 1889, has always interpreted the tradition of gastronomic culture as an evolving journey: a living and vital process, based on human values that belong to everyone. Protecting tradition means defending the most authentic aspects, while embracing elements of qualitative innovation introduced by research, technology, and changes in public sensitivities and needs. It is within this framework that the choice was made to create a collaborative project with the three representatives APCI, ANDID, and LifeGate: the shared goal is to take Italian tradition a step further, meeting the needs of a consumer more sensitive to health and sustainability concepts, but who does not want to give up excellence in taste. Taste, health, sustainability: three key words for the present and the future. Always promoting values that focus on human needs, Ballarini translates the concepts of taste, health, and sustainability into a daily commitment, producing excellent cooking tools that contribute to improving well-being in the kitchen. Because the future of gastronomic culture is built day by day, starting by putting the person and their needs at the center.

The scientific and cultural premises

Based on an important analysis conducted by Andid during the "Healthy Eating Day" initiative and on recipes taken from the historical text "Le ricette regionali italiane" by Anna Gosetti della Salda, the project takes inspiration from the eating habits of Italians to build an educational and cultural path, which in 2015 will be expressed through activities aimed at consumers and professionals.

Good Nutrition Day (years 2011 and 2012): the initiative involved over 3,300 citizens from 14 Italian cities. They filled out a specific food questionnaire which, analyzed and graphically processed, allowed a portrait of the nutritional status and lifestyles of Italians.

Italian Regional Recipes: Author Anna Gosetti della Salda (Publisher Solares - First edition October 1967), a manual-investigation on Italian cuisine through 2161 traditional gastronomic recipes.

The tools at the service of the consumer

"Cooking Healthily with Taste" - The book
A true compendium of Italian regional recipes, reinterpreted by chefs and dieticians who have identified together how to make the dishes of our peninsula tasty and healthy. Each recipe has been analyzed and re-proposed based on taste and current nutritional knowledge. To complete the project, a sustainability index assigned to each recipe proposed in the cookbook, nutritional principles, ingredients, and cooking tools most suitable for a tasty, healthy, and sustainable kitchen. Publication available in Italian and English.
128 pages - printed on FSC recycled paper

  • Association of Italian Chef Professors (APCI)
  • National Association of Dietitians (ANDID)
  • LifeGate
  • Ballarini

Cooking Healthily with Taste" - YouTube Channel
Twenty video recipes cover the boot from North to South highlighting ingredients, tools, and innovative cooking techniques to cook in a healthy, correct, and tasty way.
Go to the YouTube channel

Cooking Healthily with Taste” – Facebook page
The aim of the page is to interpret the tradition of Italian gastronomic culture in a combination of three key words: taste, health, and sustainability, guaranteed for the first time by three international realities such as ANDID, APCI, and LIFEGATE. A page dedicated to everyone, kitchen professionals and enthusiasts, who can find recipes, useful tips, information on ingredients and their sustainability, and on nutrition every day. An interactive space where you can learn to cook well and healthily: from the choice of cooking tools to ingredients, from the cooking method to respecting the nutritional values of the dishes.
Go to the Facebook page

Cooking Healthily with Taste" - itinerant workshops
From North to South, respecting regional culinary traditions, dieticians and food service operators will hold dialogues around the Italian dish, to teach the population to apply all the rules of good and healthy cooking, paying attention to the wallet as well. Children will also be involved in food education initiatives. Informative material is distributed at all meeting occasions to continue the experience at home and continue to apply what has been learned. Appointments can be consulted on the Facebook page.

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