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Chiacchiere, risate, un pizzico di SmartFood... ed è subito estate!

Chatter, laughter, a touch of SmartFood... and it's immediately summer!

05 July 2017
Chiacchiere, risate, un pizzico di SmartFood... ed è subito estate!

A moment of conviviality, culture, joy, lightness and happiness of seeing each other again. An evening in summer together: Technovisionaries, godmothers, members and friends of the Association.

During the evening : aperitivo provided by Gorini Catering

Culture : our friend and nutritionist Womentech Lucilla Titta will present the book " The SmartFood Diet ".

This is a book that finally clarifies what, how much, and how to eat to live longer and better. Smartfood is the first Italian diet with a scientific brand: it was born in collaboration with a major center, the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Milan. Easy to follow, it proposes a two-phase method to change eating habits without sacrifices. The results? Excess weight is fought and cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases are prevented. It is now understood that some foods act like drugs, capable of curing and protecting the body.

Participation by invitation only.

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