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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Listen to Your Body"

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22 October 2015
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Listen to Your Body"


The appointment is for the next October 22nd at Cascina Triulza, to talk about early diagnosis with OTI-OncologyEsthetics and the Salute allo Specchio project.

No translation needed, as it is just an HTML tag. On October 22nd, the cycle of events promoted within Expo by the Salute allo Specchio project of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, supporting oncology patients in their care journey, concludes with the event "Listen to your body". This event is in collaboration with the San Donato Foundation Group, OTI Oncology Training International - OncologyEsthetics, the global reference organization for oncological aesthetics, and with the support of Expo Women Global Forum.

From 4pm to 8pm, inside Cascina Triulza, the pavilion of Civil Society, Angela Noviello , Italy director and Europe coordinator of OTI , and Morag Currin creator of the OTI method, will be available to visitors to offer consultation and a free skin screening.
For the occasion, a photo set will be set up where visitors can have their photo taken for free by Marco Casiraghi , photographer, with scarves provided by the historic Mantero silk mill in Como, which will be transformed by the skilled hands of Leonardo Bellomo , stylist and makeup artist, into original headpieces, symbolizing the struggle that oncology patients face every day against the disease but also their desire for life and rediscovery of their femininity even during the difficult moments of therapy.

“We want to send a strong message: prevention is fundamental and is certainly done through periodic screenings but also through careful observation of oneself and one's body,” explains Angela Noviello, Director Italy and European Coordinator OTI, “learning to listen to the messages that our body sends us is the first step to understand that something may not be right. But the scarf is also a symbol of the desire to fight of the patients we treat in the Salute allo Specchio project and their need to rediscover their femininity even during therapies. Mantero was among the first companies to understand this need and to support us in this journey”.

The meeting will also be an opportunity to talk about cancer prevention with the creators of the Salute allo Specchio project Valentina Di Mattei, psychologist and university researcher, Giorgia Mangili and Emanuela Rabaiotti, gynecologic oncologists, all three from IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele.

The photographic portraits will then be donated to the participants as a memento of the day and, for those who wish, they can post the photo on the Facebook pages of Oncology Esthetics Italy and Salute allo Specchio. All the portraits will then become part of a photographic exhibition and a poster that will accompany the upcoming events of Salute allo Specchio.

No translation needed, as it is just an HTML tag.

Cascina Triulza - Pavilion of Civil Society
October 22, 2015, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Free entrance for Expo visitors

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