Valeria Panebianco

Valeria Panebianco

Radiologa, Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche, Oncologiche e Anatomo-Patologiche, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma


Valeria Panebianco is a Consultant Radiologist in the Department of Radiological Sciences of the "Sapienza"  University of Rome (since 1999), graduated in Radiology (1998) and Nuclear Medicine (2007). Consultantship for Forensic Medicine Department. Encharged of specialistic role on "CT-MR Perfusion, Diffusion and MR-Spectroscopy tissue characterization in oncology", developing expertise on 3Tesla Magnetic Resonance magnet. Coordinator of Prostate Unit.

Teaching professor of MR and CT Imaging of Genitourinary Tract at the School of Medicine and Radiology at "Sapienza", University of Rome. Principal and co-investigator of experimental studies for the evaluation of new contrast-agents and protocols optimization in oncological imaging in clinical and pre-clinical trials (focusing on metabolomics).

Author and co-authors of many Book Chapters and Syllabi and Scientific Papers on National and International journals "peer reviewed", focused on Magnetic Resonance and MDCT. Involved as invited speaker in many national and international congresses. Member of: Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), European Society of Urogenital radiology (ESUR), Italian Society of Medical Radiolgist (SIRM) and International Society of Magnetic resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Reviewer for the journals: European Radiology, Abdominal Imaging, European journal of Radiology, etc.

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